BJU for weight loss: percentage and calculation of the daily allowance using two formulas. Bju for weight loss Protein carbohydrate balance

What can better testify to the health of all organs, no matter how beautiful and well-being? And they largely depend on the content of our daily diet. After all, it is not without reason that one aphorism says that “a person is what he eats”. Basic knowledge about the composition of food products and the ratio of certain components in the daily menu will help maintain the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a balanced diet.

Any human body can be represented in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts, acids, vitamins and water. It is from these organic (and inorganic too) compounds that we are "made." But the main role in nutrition, it is given precisely to three whales: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And therefore, in order to correctly observe the proportions of the consumption of "building material", you need to understand the role of the main elements well.


Protein is the foundation on which it rests physical health person. Without protein, neither the growth process of the body nor the regeneration of damaged, dead tissues is possible. Protein (aka protein) is the main " construction material» bodies. It is from it that new cells are created, it is he who ensures the integrity of cell membranes.

Protein exists in two forms:

The first is found in all animal products and consists of essential amino acids. You can get complete protein from meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. The second type of protein is found in plant foods. It is based on the so-called non-essential amino acids. Nuts are the richest in defective protein, leguminous plants, cereals.

The total proportion of protein in the diet, according to experts, should be 14-16%, and the daily dose should be based on: 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Moreover, complete and inferior protein is recommended to be consumed in equal proportions.


The main tasks of fats are to provide the body with energy (up to 50% of the total energy consumption) and form its reserve fund, which, like an airbag, will come to the rescue in stressful situation replenishing wasted energy.

All fats are divided into two types, each of which the human body needs in its own way:
plant origin;
animal origin.

Vegetable fats contain unsaturated fatty acids that are very important for the life of any organ. The body does not know how to synthesize them on its own, and therefore must be obtained from such foods as unrefined vegetable oils (especially olive and corn), nuts, whole grain cereals.

Animal fats are hidden in meat, fish, milk, eggs. They necessarily contain useful cholesterol, which is not only an integral cellular material and is part of the substance of the brain, but is also responsible for the balance of sex hormones. Violation of this hormonal balance leads to a high risk of suicide and the development of all kinds of depression.

The daily proportion of fat in the diet of any person should be 30%. At the same time, it is important to combine fats with fiber-rich plant foods and follow the recommended ratio of animal and vegetable fats in the menu: 70% to 30%.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans. These organic compounds come to us mainly from plant foods. In animal products, carbohydrates in sufficient quantities can only be found in milk. Almost 100% carbohydrate product is honey.

For many years (thanks to the development of industry), people have been getting refined carbohydrates from ordinary products: sugar and starch. It is worth mentioning right away that these products are harmful to health. Therefore, their share in the diet should be minimal, and it is better to completely abandon the consumption of sugar and starch, especially since these substances are found in other products.

According to their composition, carbohydrates are divided into:
simple (glucose, fructose);
double (sucrose, lactose);
complex (starch, glycogen).

A person consumes sucrose, glucose and fructose with berries, fruits and vegetables, for example, why not cook. Lactose is found in all dairy products, while starch is found in bakery products, pasta, cereals and potatoes.

The main sources of energy in the body are glucose and glycogen. They are indispensable for serious physical and mental stress, sports. In addition, these substances are responsible for the processes associated with the central nervous system.

The proportion of carbohydrates in the diet should prevail. It is best if it is 60% of the daily menu. It is recommended to give preference to natural carbohydrates.

Remember that the ability of carbohydrates to be converted into fats is a direct threat to the formation excess weight. Therefore, choose carbohydrate foods that contain insoluble and slightly soluble dietary fiber (fiber), vitamins and other nutrients. A striking example of such products are whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits. From them you can cook any dishes, for example, it will be delicious.

Nesterova I.A. The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates // Nesterov Encyclopedia

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without maintaining a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, more commonly known as BJU. Controlling body weight requires controlling levels of key nutrients. You can not eat some proteins or some fats or carbohydrates - this is fraught with weight gain, deterioration of well-being.

Nutritional value of products

Before considering in detail why it is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fat and carbohydrates, we should turn to the question of the nutritional value of what we eat. The quality of the food greatly affects the degree of nutritional balance.

What is nutritional value of the product. According to V.S. Kolodyaznoy:

The nutritional value product- reflection of fullness useful properties food product, including the degree to which the physiological needs of a person in basic nutrients, energy and organoleptic properties are met. It is characterized by the chemical composition of the food product, taking into account its consumption in the generally accepted quantity.

Nutritional value of the product

The nutritional value of the product includes energy value and biological value.

Let's take a closer look at what they are biological and energy value of products. Let's start with the energy value familiar to many, which is presented in kilocalories.

Energy value of the product- this is a reflection of the amount of energy that the body will receive from a particular product in the process of biological oxidation and be used to ensure the physiological functions of the body.

calories represents the amount of energy that the body receives when digesting foods. So, for example, the oxidation of 1 gram of fat gives the body 9 kcal or 37.7 kilojoules (kJ.). Oxidized, one gram of protein provides 4 kcal, and 1 gram of carbohydrates 3.75 kcal. However, this is an absolute figure. In reality, not all calories are absorbed by the body.

The percentage of digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

So when calculating the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is necessary to use the digestibility coefficient.

Foods included in the diet should contain substances necessary for energy, metabolism and tissue building. At the same time, the daily norm, depending on the type of activity and age, is considered to be approximately consumption from 2000 to 3500 kcal / day.

When observing the daily calorie content, it is extremely important not to forget that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are strictly normalized. Exceeding the norm leads to malfunctions in the body.

Now a few words about biological value of products. It is no less important. A feature of biological value is the combined value of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Biological value of food- characterized by the biological value of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Biological value of protein characterized by a variety of amino acids. 22 amino acids are involved in the work of the human body, of which eight are essential, since they are not synthesized in the body.

If speak about biological value of fats, then it is determined by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are part of them, which are called vitamin called F. PUFAs are not formed in the body. They need to be obtained from food.

Essential amino acids in fats

They must come from outside with food. In addition, the amino acids histidine and cystine are indispensable for the body of infants.

What is the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates or BJU for short, an important indicator not only in sports nutrition but also in a healthy diet in general. For the human body, it is extremely important which food substances provide energy. In order for the body to work without failures, a certain balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is needed. At the same time, BJU is calculated individually depending on age, weight, gender and degree of physical activity. However, there are also averages.

Proteins should be, on average, 12%, fats 30-35% of the total calorie intake, the rest is carbohydrates.

Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates based on the fact that you can not refuse any element. The fact is that refusal, even not for a long time, for a period of more than 5-6 days, can lead to serious changes in the body, and not for the better. For this reason, diets based on the exclusion of one of the elements of BJU are not recommended to be followed for more than 5-6 days.

According to WHO standards, the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of a healthy person is 1.2:1.2:4.

The diet of a healthy person who monitors the level of BJU must necessarily include dietary fiber, such as pectin and fiber. The recommended intake of these substances is 20-25 g/day, including 15-20 g. fiber and 8-10 gr. pectin substances.

Diets should not be abused, as most diets are not focused on maintaining a balance of BJU, and are aimed at obtaining ultra-fast results.

To maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, fats cannot be excluded from the diet. Fats should be consumed in food and vegetable origin, and animal, as they contain various elements necessary for the body. Refined fats should be excluded from food, as they create a false appearance of balance in nutrition, due to their uselessness and high calorie content.

In order to properly organize your diet, you need to know the composition of the products. Knowing the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats allows you to simulate bursts of energy and adjust your overall well-being. A proper diet is very important for health, so you need to use special calorie tables. One of them is shown below.

Table of the energy value of products and the content of BJU in staple foods

100 gr. product contains

Carbohydrates, g

Energy value, kilocalories



Green peas

White cabbage

red cabbage



Green onion (feather)


Bulb onions

red carrot

ground cucumbers

greenhouse cucumbers

Sweet green pepper

red sweet pepper

Parsley (greens)

Parsley (root)

Rhubarb (petiole)

Tomatoes (ground)

Tomatoes (greenhouse)

Green beans (pod)

Nuts, seeds


sunflower seed

Fruits, citrus fruits and berries


Rowan garden

Rowan chokeberry

garden plum










Sea ​​buckthorn

White currant

Red currants

Black currant

Rosehip fresh

Dried rosehip



White fresh

White dried

Boletus fresh

Boletus fresh

Fresh syroezhi

Pickled, salted, dried vegetables and fruits



salted tomatoes

dried vegetables


Bulb onions

Dried fruits

Raisins with a stone

Raisin kishmish


Bakery products

Rye bread

Wheat bread from flour I grade

Sweet pastries

Wheat crackers

Cream crackers

Wheat flour of the highest grade

Wheat flour. I grade

Wheat flour. II grade

Rye flour









Peas shelled

Whole peas



Cheese from cow's milk

Yogurt natural 1.5% fat

Kefir low fat

Kefir fat

Milk acidophilus

Whole milk powder

Condensed milk

Condensed milk with sugar

curdled milk

Cream 10%

Cream 20%

Sour cream 10%

Sour cream 20%

Curds and special curd mass

Russian cheese

Dutch cheese

Swiss cheese

Poshekhonskiy cheese

Processed cheese

Fat cottage cheese

Bold cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese

Meat products



Lean pork

Pork fat


Lamb offal

Offal beef

Pork offal

Domestic bird


Boiled sausages










Cooked-smoked sausages



Semi-smoked sausages




Raw smoked sausages



Pork ready to eat

Raw smoked brisket

Raw smoked loin

Canned meat

Beef stew

Tourist breakfast (beef)

Tourist breakfast (pork)

sausage mince

Pork stew

Egg and egg products

Chicken egg

Egg powder

Dry protein

Dry yolk

quail egg

Frozen and fresh fish


Notothenia marble

sea ​​bass

river perch

saber fish

Rybets Caspian

saury large

small saury


Horse mackerel


coal fish

sea ​​eel



sea ​​kale

Pasta "Ocean"


Chum salmon granular

Bream breakdown

pollock breakdown

Sturgeon granular

Sturgeon breakdown

Hot smoked fish

Bream medium

Salaka (smoking)

Gutted cod headless

Gutted eel

Canned fish in oil

Atlantic sardines. (slices)


Smoked cod

Canned fish in tomato

Horse mackerel

Natural canned fish

Far Eastern shrimp

Cod liver


Fat lamb or beef rendered

Pork bacon (without skin)

Milk margarine

Margarine sandwich

Vegetable oil


Ghee butter


Dragee fruit


Caramel (average)

Candies glazed with chocolate

Halva tahini

Sunflower halva

Dark chocolate

milk chocolate

Flour confectionery

Wafers with fruit fillings

Wafers with fat fillings

Puff pastry with cream

Puff pastry with apple

Biscuit cake with fruit filling

Sponge cake with fruit filling

Cake almond











Red table wine


  1. Kolodyaznaya V. S. Food chemistry - St. Petersburg: SPbGAHPT, 1999
  2. Table of calorie content and composition of products // URL:

Nutrition gives us strength for a full life. Flaw useful substances will not make a person healthy, beautiful, active and efficient. However, in Lately With an abundance and relative availability of products, an excess of high-calorie food, the opposite question also arises: how should you organize your diet correctly, not overeat and get everything you need?

In stores, we are met by an abundance of products. Many of them do not require cooking, just waiting to be unpacked and eaten. But how useful is such food? What can be given with its help to the body, except for extra calories and poor health? Knowing chemical composition of their food, a person needs to understand what should be consumed constantly, and which products are best left lying on the counter, because they will not bring benefits.

basis proper nutrition is energy balance. This means that the number of calories you need to consume should be exactly the opposite of the amount of energy expended. Then a person can be cheerful during the day. For those who decide to lose weight, the advice of nutritionists suggests that it is worth slightly reducing the number of calories that come with food that is recommended to be eaten during the day.

Energy balance is the correct ratio of micronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that a person needs to consume. Before talking about the daily rate, you need to understand what it is and what effect these substances have on the body.

All advice related to proper nutrition is not complete without mentioning proteins. These are substances that must be supplied to all tissues and organs as a building material. Proteins obtained from food are broken down into amino acids, and those, in turn, are involved in the synthesis of body tissues. Therefore, foods rich in this substance should be consumed by children and adolescents whose cells are undergoing a period of active growth, as well as by people who are recovering from injuries and serious illnesses. It is necessary to eat foods containing this micronutrient and adults, because it is involved in tissue regeneration, which means it will allow you to stay active and young longer.

What does a lack of protein lead to?

With improper diets, hunger strikes and simply a lack of nutrition, the body begins to consume energy from muscle tissue, destroying it. To prevent this from happening, you need to have a good idea of ​​what products you can get protein from, in what ratio with other micronutrients it should be consumed.

The commonly held belief that protein can only be obtained from animal products is wrong. In fact, nature gives a person a large amount of plant foods that can satisfy the need for amino acids for the construction and renewal of cells.

What plant foods can you get protein from?

  • Tofu and other soy products;
  • legumes - lentils, beans, beans, chickpeas;
  • nuts - almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts;
  • cereals - oats, wheat, quinoa, millet, rice;
  • sesame;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot.

During the day you need to consume about 100 grams of protein. However, it is worth remembering that the amount of protein in the product is not equal to the amount of the product. This means that if you have lentils on your table today and you want to replenish the supply of this substance, then in order to get the daily allowance, you need to eat so much product that it just becomes bad. Therefore, it is considered the norm to get protein from a variety of dishes, organizing a balanced diet for yourself.

It is worth remembering that an excess of this micronutrient can disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys, nervous balance and metabolism. Everything is good in moderation, and for the construction and regeneration of cells, you need to use a certain amount of this substance.

Fats in our diet

The advice of nutrition experts will never include a recommendation to cut fat from the diet. Without these components, we will eat an inferior breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fats are necessary for the absorption of vitamins, the functioning of the reproductive system and energy production, as well as for the skin and hair to be healthy and beautiful.

Not all fats that can be eaten are the same. Scientists divide them into three categories.

  • Saturated fats. Contained in those products that are of animal origin. They are refractory, break down with difficulty, it is better not to use them excessively, so as not to develop diabetes or face cardiovascular diseases. Their excess also leads to obesity.
  • Monounsaturated. These fats, unlike saturated ones, on the contrary, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. They are found in abundance in vegetable oils: olive oil, walnut and sunflower, peanut. You can also find them in avocados - a unique vegetable that can saturate the body. It has a lot of calories and benefits.
  • Polyunsaturated fats. The body needs to use them regularly, because they ensure proper metabolism, form cell membranes, participate in the synthesis of new cells and prevent tissue aging. All this happens thanks to special fatty acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fats can be found in nuts and linseed oils, as well as in seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, flax. It is useful to eat 50-70 grams of nuts, peanuts, avocados.

How much fat do you need per day? After all, we know that they contain a lot of calories. The norms for the consumption of fats are as follows: for women from 18 to 30 years old - 90-120 grams per day, men of the same age - 100-160 grams. After 30 years, the norm decreases by about 10 grams. For women - from 85 to 112 grams, for men - from 100 to 150 grams. After 40 years, both men and women need to eat more than 70 grams of fat of various kinds per day.

Why carbohydrates are important

The human body cannot produce carbohydrates on its own. However, he needs them daily. These are the substances responsible for our energy and performance. They can be divided into simple, complex and ballast.

  • simple carbohydrates or monosaccharides are rapidly absorbed, produce energy, which is also quickly consumed. Therefore, if you consume them excessively, you can come to an increase in appetite and the formation of excess calories. Simple carbohydrates are found in confectionery, pastries, fruits.
  • Complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides break down slowly, which means they provide a stable level of energy. A person stays full for a long time and does not overeat. In addition, polysaccharides are removed from the blood harmful substances and bad cholesterol. They can be found in breads, especially whole grains or rye, vegetables, fruits, pasta and, of course, cereals - oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, corn, raw rice. There is no need to be afraid of such calories - they will turn into energy, and not into fat.
  • Ballast carbohydrates are fiber. It is not absorbed, but, like a broom, it cleans the intestines from all that is superfluous, it does not contain calories.

One gram of carbohydrates when oxidized provides 4 calories. It is difficult to name the exact amount of these substances needed per day, since it depends on the physical and mental activity of a particular person. However, the average figure can be called 500 grams of carbohydrates needed by the body per day.

Balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates does a person need per day for an active and healthy existence, in order not to gain weight and live long? Nutritionists usually use the image of a plate that a person fills when he is hungry for a more visual explanation. Half of the meal is occupied by carbohydrates, ¼ proteins and the same amount of fats. Sometimes these proportions change somewhat. For those who need to consume fewer calories, the amount of fat is slightly reduced. That is, if standard carbohydrates should occupy 50% of the diet, proteins 25% and fats 25%, losing weight consume 30% protein and 20% fat. It must be remembered that, speaking of proper and healthy nutrition, by carbohydrates we mean, first of all, complex ones - polysaccharides. The advice of experts says that the plate should not contain sweets and pastries, but vegetables, fruits, cereals and good lean bread.

Many people want to eat right, but they are stopped by ignorance of what the diet consists of, what substances are contained in various products. They do not understand how to adjust the nutrition system, reduce the number of calories. Knowing which products and in what ratio contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, how to combine them, you will get a properly composed diet, and with it, health, longevity, activity and beauty.

In the matter of losing weight and a healthy lifestyle, it is impossible to ignore the topic of a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, that is, BJU. It is the balance between these indicators that determines how quickly you can lose weight, build muscle and improve your health, in particular, normalize hormonal levels.

What is the balance of BJU

At its core, the balance of BJU is adherence to the principles of a healthy diet, that is, you keep fit by making the right diet and sticking to it, and not limiting yourself in any products and, moreover, without depriving yourself of nutrition as such. It is more likely that weight gain is due to an imbalance in this balance, and not due to regular consumption of fatty foods, which may not go beyond the daily requirement of your body.

The optimal use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates allows you to maintain normal all processes, keep weight at the required level, provide nutrition to the muscles, brain, and maintain stable functioning of the reproductive system. It is especially important to maintain a balance for women's health, since significant deviations are immediately reflected in the hormonal background and the general well-being of a woman.

Maintaining a balance of BJU is the use of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day, that is, each meal should include foods that can fill all the needs of your body. This immediately highlights an important part of a balanced diet - it cannot be based on just one product. And for the same reason, mono-diets are harmful and do not bring long-term results.

A healthy diet is characterized by the use of 50% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 20% proteins from daily calories. This means that at a target of 1,700 calories per day for weight maintenance, you should get 850 from carbohydrates, 510 from fat, and 340 from protein.

The high content of carbohydrates is due to the fact that it is their body that uses them in the first place to make up for energy costs. Only after their consumption, processed fats and proteins are used. If you break the balance and eat more than 50% carbohydrate food, then unspent energy is converted into adipose tissue - this is how weight begins to gain. If at the same time you do not comply with the norm for proteins and fats, then muscle tissue begins to deplete, bones become more brittle. Similarly, other processes occurring between cells depend on the balance of BJU.

Why is the balance of BJU disturbed

A failure in the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates contributes to a number of reasons, which in most cases depends on how accurately you follow the principles of healthy eating, how carefully you are about what you eat and what you pamper yourself with. In addition, a violation in the balance of BJU can be caused by a deterioration in the activity of individual organs and systems.

1. Bad habits in nutrition. It often happens that, in general, your diet cannot be called bad - you eat a lot useful products, eat relatively small portions, do not abuse heavy meals before bedtime. So what's the problem? In this case, harmful culinary addictions can let you down. For example, excessive consumption of chocolate or mayonnaise, due to which the amount of carbohydrates and fats eaten, respectively, significantly exceeds daily allowance. This is what contributes to the imbalance. Most likely, in this matter, overdo it with carbohydrates, which are very abundant in sugar, all sweets and bakery products, especially rich ones, as well as in cereals, potatoes, legumes and many other foods that saturate the diet of a modern person.

2. Improper nutrition. This implies not only the neglect of healthy foods, but also the violation of the diet, too large portions, late-night snacks, as well as the choice in favor of low-quality versions of well-known dishes.

3. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, which may be relevant for lovers of regular parties. Alcohol is not only a rich source of carbohydrates, but also alcohol, which impairs the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which leads to metabolic disorders and a slowdown in metabolism.

4. Deviations in the work of the endocrine system, in particular, we are talking about diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, which play an important role in maintaining the processes of digestion and absorption of substances entering the bloodstream.

5. The presence of other chronic and acute diseases.

6. The discrepancy between the nutritional value of the diet and the volume of regular physical activity, which can lead to a lack of protein or fats that ensure the health of ligaments, bones and muscle tissue.

How to balance BJU

To maintain the balance of BJU, first of all, you need to make sure that you do not have chronic diseases and abnormalities in the endocrine system, otherwise you will not be able to advance in the task at hand, and in some cases, an attempt to restore balance can worsen the situation. If you are sure that there is no need to see a doctor, the second step is to think about correcting nutrition. This can be done in three steps.

1. Reducing carbohydrate intake by 50%. The list of such products includes not only sweets, alcoholic and soft drinks, but also all cereals, potatoes, pasta. That is, if you usually allowed yourself 300 grams of rice as a side dish, then at the first stage this portion should be reduced to 150 grams. The same should be done with other products.

2. Increase natural fiber by 50% with boiled or baked fruits and vegetables. On the plate, it should look like the garnish is half the size of the vegetable side dish.

3. Proteins should be 15 - 20% of the resulting portion. At the same time, it is best to use dietary varieties of poultry meat, rabbit, low-fat pork tenderloin and river fish as a source.

After these three steps have been completed, it is necessary to calculate daily requirement BJU for your weight. To do this, you can use the Mifflin-San Geor formula. For example, for a woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 60 kg, the daily intake of 50 grams of protein, 50 grams of fat and 220 grams of carbohydrates, with average physical activity, would be optimal. Accordingly, with an increase in power and cardio loads, the indicators automatically increase. After the initial correction in three stages, you must follow the data relevant to your weight and height!

Further, to restore the balance of BJU, it is important to adhere to the diet. Remember that food is digested fastest between 8 and 11 am, and then between 16 and 18 pm. The rest of the time, digestion slows down significantly, so light, low-calorie recipes should be preferred during the day and in the evening. Shortly before bedtime, it is good to bet on plant fiber and a small amount of protein. Carbohydrates should not be consumed in the evening, as this significantly slows down metabolism and contributes to the formation of body fat.

To maintain a normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the crushing of nutrition will also help, that is, a gradual transition to frequent meals in small portions. This allows you to speed up the metabolism, improve their absorption in the body and quickly removes processed products from it, the accumulation of which contributes to the imbalance of BJU. The main principle of its maintenance lies in the observance of basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine website

When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the female online magazine obligatory

According to statistics, in order to lose weight, 70% of people go on diets, 50% honestly try to go in for sports, 30% sit down on pills. And only 10% consider the daily calorie content of food and how much it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The last figure is so insignificant because most do not understand how important they are for losing weight.

Indeed, hunger strikes and training lead to results, but often they are short-term and negatively affect well-being. But those who figured out these formulas and percentages get rid of extra pounds for a long time and without any harm to health.

What it is?

Surely everyone knows how the abbreviation BJU stands for - these are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the very “golden three” that is present in any product. Once in the body, each of these substances performs certain functions, affecting well-being, work internal organs, weight of a person and his health in general. Sometimes this term is modified and becomes KBJU - more calories are added, which are most directly related to this triumvirate.

Each product has a calorie content - a certain amount of energy that a person receives by eating it. The smaller it is, the more intensively the body has to burn fat. Almost everyone who loses weight knows about this concept. But few people suspect that another indicator is important for weight loss - the percentage of BJU in each individual product. The closer it is to the norm, the better the nutrition. For weight loss, some parameters need to be changed.

There are certain formulas on how to calculate the maximum daily calorie content and the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Moreover, all this is calculated individually - taking into account height, weight and even gender. In accordance with the results obtained, it will be necessary to form your own menu so that the required amount of KBJU is accumulated during the day.

On the one hand, it resembles a diet, as something will have to be abandoned. On the other hand, this has nothing to do with hunger strikes, since the body receives all the substances necessary for its normal functioning. The diet is balanced and the most beneficial for health, but at the same time promoting weight loss. And if you suddenly “went over” with the daily amount of calories, you can always use them in the gym or at home.

If BJU is so important, then why are people not in a hurry to arm themselves with formulas and calculate this “golden ratio” for themselves? Mathematics scares many people, because the computational operations, although simple, need to be thoroughly understood in the sequence of actions. However, now this is no longer a problem, since there are a huge number of applications for gadgets that will do everything themselves, you just need to enter your age, height, weight and other individual indicators into the program. There are also online services that offer similar services. This is much faster and more accurate than sitting and calculating all these fractions yourself.

Here's what the resulting BJU ratio figures will allow you to do:

  • make a balanced diet;
  • eat right, without harm to health, unlike many diets;
  • control appetite;
  • get rid of weakness and lethargy, which are frequent companions of weight loss;
  • lose weight and keep the results;
  • recruit muscle mass, if needed;
  • male athletes - prepare the body for drying;
  • hone the figure;
  • improve health.

About proteins. Many mistakenly believe that in the body protein is found mainly in the muscles. In fact, it is present in all tissues - both in the skin and in the bones. And the human brain is also a protein substance. And with scientific point of view, it is easy to explain why alcoholics degrade: under the influence of ethanol, the protein denatures.

Role in weight loss

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, entering the body, perform certain functions that lead to weight loss. However, it is worth mentioning right away. First, results can only be achieved if they are present in the diet in the correct ratio. And secondly, the type of organic compounds that you will absorb is of great importance.

For example, animal proteins are much healthier than vegetable proteins. For weight loss, you need slow carbohydrates, not fast ones. And fats should be predominantly unsaturated omega-3, -6 and -9. Only with them it will be possible to achieve significant results.


Perform the following functions:

  • have a beneficial effect on the skin of the body, providing it with tone and elasticity - this guarantees the absence of stretch marks and sagging after losing weight;
  • make the body spend a lot of calories on their digestion;
  • are digested for a long time, guaranteeing a long-lasting feeling of satiety - this allows you to avoid harmful snacks and breakdowns;
  • regulate sugar and insulin in the blood, excluding their sharp jumps - glucose is thus not transported to fat depots, replenishing the already excess reserves;
  • protect the body from premature aging, which means that the slowdown in metabolism (this is the main reason for excess weight after 35) will occur much later;
  • improve metabolism;
  • form muscle mass, protecting it from splitting and contributing to the consumption of fat reserves, and not muscle fibers.

If the percentage of BJU in the diet is correct, if you manage to make a menu of products with animal proteins, slow carbohydrates and omega acids, you are guaranteed stable weight loss without the slightest harm to health.

About carbohydrates. There is a widespread belief that they get fat because of them. This statement underlies most diets that significantly reduce the daily intake of carbohydrate-containing foods. In fact, excess weight is gained due to overeating and misunderstanding of the boundaries between fast (unhealthy) and slow (useful) carbohydrates.


First you need to figure out what the balance of BJU should be in proper nutrition (so far without the goal of losing weight). Until recently, the fraction 1:1:4 was considered the norm. It is still indicated by many sources. However, not so long ago, experts questioned the correctness of this proportion. It has a lack of proteins and an excess of carbohydrates. The latter will accumulate in the body and go into fat reserves. And due to a lack of protein, the breakdown of muscle fibers and a slowdown in metabolism will begin.

In this regard, additional research began to be carried out and not so long ago, experts proposed another optimal ratio of BJU - 4:2:4. It is still being rechecked, questioned, and only not many begin to practice in practice.

For those who want to lose weight, the ratio is significantly transformed and turns into the following fraction - 5:1:2. This option will allow you to reduce weight, build muscle, and dry your body. Naturally, when summing up your menu under these numbers, you definitely need to play sports.

Nutritionists and fitness trainers talk about the relativity of these proportions. And if a neighbor carved a figure according to BJU 5: 1: 2, then this does not mean at all that this formula will allow you to do the same. For example, a number of sports publications offer completely different options:

  • for women - 2.2:2:4.5;
  • for men - 3:2:5.

Which of these percentages will help you lose weight, no specialist will say for sure. Only by trial and error will you be able to identify your “golden shot”.

About fats. Fat cells are rapidly destroyed due to physical exertion. And without them, they are able to live another 10 years even after the death of a person.

Daily calculation

In order to calculate BJU, you will need a daily calorie intake, which is also calculated individually. There are several ways to find out this indicator.

Mifflin-San Geor formula


  1. Multiply weight in kg by 9.99.
  2. Multiply height in cm by 6.25.
  3. Add up both results.
  4. Multiply age in years by 4.92.
  5. Subtract the fourth from the third number obtained.
  6. Add 5.
  7. Multiply by A.


  1. From the first to the fifth steps are carried out in the same way as for men.
  2. Then subtract 161.
  3. Multiply by A.

Coefficient A is an indicator of physical activity, which is determined by the following parameters:

  • low physical activity(sedentary lifestyle): A = 1.2;
  • insignificant (sedentary work, rare walks, certain exercises, 2-3 times a week): A = 1.4;
  • average (training in the gym several times a week): A = 1.6;
  • high (daily sports): A = 1.7.

For a 30-year-old man with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 90 kg with average physical activity:

  1. 90 kg x 9.99 = 899.1
  2. 180 cm x 6.25 = 1125
  3. 899,1 + 1 125 = 2 024,1
  4. 30 years x 4.92 = 147.6
  5. 2 024,1 — 147,6 = 1 876,5
  6. 1 876,5 + 5 = 1 881,5
  7. 1,881.4 x 1.6 = 3,010.4

It turns out: the daily calorie intake for a man with such parameters is 3,010.4 kcal.

For a 25 year old woman who is 175 cm tall and weighs 80 kg with little physical activity:

  1. 80 kg x 9.99 = 799.2
  2. 175 cm x 6.25 = 1093.75
  3. 799,2 + 1 093,75 = 1 892,95
  4. 25 years x 5 = 125
  5. 1 892,95 — 125 = 1 767,95
  6. 1 767,95 — 161 = 1 606,95
  7. 1,606.95 x 1.4 = 2,249.73

It turns out: the daily calorie intake for a woman with such parameters is 2,249.73 kcal.

Disadvantages of the method: the number of calories is too high, and rarely anyone can adequately determine the coefficient of their physical activity.

When losing weight, the resulting value should be reduced by 20%. It turns out that for a man you need to consume 2,408.32 kcal per day, for a woman - 1,799.784 kcal. Those who have ever dealt with the calorie content of their diet for weight loss know that these are quite large indicators.

Harris-Benedict Formula

Formula: BMR (Basal Metabolism) times AMR (Active Metabolism).

Female BMR: 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years).

  1. Multiply the weight in kg by 9.247.
  2. Add 447.593 to the result.
  3. Multiply height in cm by 3.098.
  4. Age in years times 4,330.

Male BMR: odds 88.362; 13.397; 4.799; 5.677 respectively.

  1. Multiply the weight in kg by 13.397.
  2. Add 88.362 to the result.
  3. Multiply height in cm by 4.799.
  4. Add the third to the second number you get.
  5. Multiply age in years by 5.677.
  6. From the number obtained in the fourth step, subtract what happened in the fifth.
  • at seated life - 1.2;
  • with moderate activity - 1.375;
  • with average activity - 1.55;
  • for athletes - 1.9;
  • for building muscle mass - 1.2;
  • for weight loss - 0.8.

We leave the same man that was taken for the previous example (30 years old, 180 cm, 90 kg, for weight loss):

  1. 90 kg x 13.397 = 1,205.73
  2. 1 205,73 + 88,362 = 1 294,092
  3. 180 cm x 4.799 = 863.82
  4. 1 294,092 + 863,82 = 2 157,912
  5. 30 years x 5.677 = 170.31
  6. 2 157,912 — 170,31 = 1 987,602
  7. 1987.602 x 0.8 = 1590.0816

And a woman with the same parameters (25 years old, 175 cm, 80 kg, for weight loss):

  1. 80 kg x 9.247 = 739.76
  2. 739,76 + 447,593 = 1 187,353
  3. 175 cm x 3.098 = 542.15
  4. 1 187,353 + 542,15 = 1 729,503
  5. 25 years x 4.330 = 108.25
  6. 1 729,503 — 108,25 = 1 621,253
  7. 1,621.253 x 0.8 = 1,297.0024

The second formula is closer to reality than the first. It turned out that in order to lose weight, our average man needs to consume about 1,600 kcal daily, and a woman about 1,300 kcal. These are the numbers that nutritionists usually call.

BJU calculation

Now, having our own daily calorie intake on hand, we calculate the BJU for the day, based on optimal ratio and the following data:

  • 1 g of proteins = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g of fat = 9 kcal;
  • 1 g of carbohydrates = 4 kcal.

For men

Based on the proportion 3:2:5, we get: 3 + 2 + 5 = 10 parts.

We divide the daily calorie content (1,600 kcal) into 10 parts, it turns out that 160 kcal falls on 1 part.

  • for proteins 160 kcal x 3 = 480 kcal;
  • for fats 160 kcal x 2 = 320 kcal;
  • for carbohydrates 160 kcal x 5 = 800 kcal.

We calculate BJU in grams:

  • 480 kcal / 4 \u003d 120 g (proteins);
  • 320 kcal / 9 \u003d 35.6 g (fat);
  • 800 kcal / 4 \u003d 200 g (carbs).

For women

Based on the proportion 2.2:2:4.5 we get: 2.2 + 2 + 4.5 = 8.7 parts.

We divide the daily calorie content (1,300 kcal) into 8.7 parts, it turns out that 149.4 kcal falls on 1 part.

We multiply the resulting amount by the data from the proportion:

  • for proteins 149.4 kcal x 2.2 = 328.7 kcal;
  • for fats 149.4 kcal x 2 = 298.8 kcal;
  • for carbohydrates 149.4 kcal x 4.5 \u003d 672.3 kcal.

We calculate BJU in grams:

  • 328.7 kcal / 4 \u003d 82.2 g (proteins);
  • 298.8 kcal / 9 \u003d 33.2 g (fat);
  • 672.3 kcal / 4 = 168.1 g (carbs).

But the calculations of losing weight do not end there. Now, when buying any product, you will need to carefully study the packaging of the product and see how many calories and BJU it contains (there are special tables for this). And only after that, add it to your diet, taking into account the resulting indicators. But such a serious and scrupulous approach to losing weight will turn into excellent results.

To correctly distribute proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day (and this is a rather difficult task), follow the following recommendations from nutritionists.

  1. Give up diets and use the formulas for calculating BJU - this is both more effective and healthier.
  2. In the morning, you can treat yourself to something sweet to burn off the calories you have acquired during the day. But it is better if breakfast consists mainly of slow carbohydrates. As options: cereal cereals and egg dishes. Let the bread be whole grain.
  3. It is better to refuse sugar in favor of honey or at least sweeteners.
  4. For lunch, you can eat a small piece of fruit.
  5. Lunch should be complete, that is, it should consist of two courses: the first (soup) and the second (fish, meat, vegetable side dish).
  6. For an afternoon snack - something from low-fat dairy: natural yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  7. Dinner on calories should be 25% of daily ration. It consists of food rich in fiber.
  8. Before going to bed, you can eat an apple or a glass of kefir.
  9. Carefully study the labels of purchased products: their calorie content and BJU.
  10. Try to avoid frying.
  11. The menu should be varied.
  12. You need to record the number of calories consumed per day every day, and not exceed the daily allowance.

If the problem of excess weight is not an empty phrase for you, it makes sense, before exhausting yourself with many hours of training and grueling hunger strikes, to figure out what BJU is, how their daily intake is calculated and learn how to make a menu in connection with the resulting numbers.

At first, it will be hard: to calculate every gram, every calorie, overlay calorie tables and constantly look at the packaging of what you buy and eat. But soon you will know without prompting how many proteins are contained in boiled chicken breast, and how many slow carbohydrates are in brown rice. But most importantly, you will gain a dream figure, which, with the constant maintenance of proper nutrition, will no longer acquire fat folds.
