What foods contain vitamin A. What foods contain the highest amount of vitamin A?

Everyone knows that the benefits of vitamin A for the whole body are very large. Therefore, it is important to consume daily required amount products containing it, while you need to take into account the rules of cooking and storage for better absorption of the vitamin.

According to its composition, vitamin A is classified into substances similar in composition - retinoids and carotenoids, and can be of different origin. The most common and useful substances are retinol and beta-carotene. The former can be obtained from animal products such as meat, liver, chicken eggs, butter and milk, and vegetables and fruits are rich in the second, especially bright colors.

    Retinol is a vitamin of group A, has a high biological activity, therefore it is of great value in human nutrition.

    Beta-carotene, when it enters the body, breaks down into two molecules and gives pure vitamin A, the rest accumulates in the body and remains unchanged for a long time in the form of a carotenoid, which provides a temporary reserve, and if necessary, beta-carotene again produces vitamin A.

What effect does vitamin A have on the body?

The group of vitamins A plays an invaluable role for the whole organism. It improves the functioning of the organs of vision, strengthens bone tissues and the skeleton, improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, promotes the formation of mammary glands, improves metabolism, prevents the occurrence of cancer cells, promotes skin rejuvenation, improves thyroid function, strengthens the immune system, improves hair condition and nails and more. And these are only its main properties, it is possible to list everything for a very long time. Therefore, the daily intake of vitamin A in the diet is necessary for everyone, and especially for people who often suffer from colds and flu, eating disorders, have poor eyesight, as well as with great physical and mental stress, especially children, pregnant and lactating women, athletes.

How much vitamin A should I take per day

The daily average daily intake of vitamin A in the diet for an adult healthy person is 5000 IU, which is 1.5 mg. However, this amount should be adjusted based on a number of characteristics of the organism. It is important to take into account gender, body weight, age, and the presence of diseases. For pregnant and lactating women, vitamin A intake is recommended slightly above the standard norm. For children, the norm is reduced to 800 micrograms.

When using synthetic vitamins, you must follow the instructions where the dose has already been adjusted. Or you should take into account the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed you an individual rate for certain reasons.

What is the danger of vitamin A deficiency in the body

With a lack of vitamin A in the human body, many problems arise:

    vision is reduced, conjunctivitis appears, in some cases the so-called “night blindness” may occur when a person loses the ability to see in low light. In addition, the mucous membrane of the eye dries up, as a result of which pus and mucus accumulate in the corners of the eyes, tearfulness increases, vision becomes clouded;

    there is a drying of the skin, which provokes its accelerated aging;

    hair and scalp dry out, dandruff, seborrhea appear;

    tooth enamel loses its strength, begins to collapse, caries develops;

    the entire digestive system suffers;

    a person is more likely to suffer from colds and infectious diseases, it is harder to endure them;

    there is insomnia, lack of sleep, exhaustion, general fatigue of the body.

    for women, a lack of vitamin A is fraught with diseases of the reproductive organs;

    In men, potency decreases.

What causes vitamin A deficiency

Improper, malnutrition, frequent diets, diseases of the digestive system contribute to the development of beriberi, in particular, a lack of vitamin A. Also, vitamin A is not absorbed by the body without vitamin E (without it, retinol is rapidly oxidized in the human body). Therefore, you need to use these two vitamins in combination.

However, not only a deficiency of vitamin A, but also its excess has a negative effect on the body.

In this case, a number of negative consequences for the body can be observed, namely:

    the liver and spleen may increase in size;

    there are violations in the functions of the digestive system;

    excessive hair loss occurs, dandruff, seborrhea appears, nails exfoliate and become brittle;

    pigment spots may appear on the skin;

    often an excess of vitamin A is accompanied by nausea;

    failures occur in the female menstrual cycle.

However, it is quite difficult to achieve a supersaturation of the body with vitamin A. This is mainly due to the excessive consumption of synthetic multivitamins. When consuming a large amount of natural products that are rich in the content of vitamins of group A, as a rule, there is no excess. But do not forget that it is absolutely impossible to eat one product for a long time, this can lead to serious irreparable consequences. And if symptoms of an overdose are detected, you should immediately stop consuming foods rich in vitamin A, replacing them with foods rich in vitamin C.

What foods contain vitamin A

Group A vitamins are found in plant and animal products. The largest amount of retinol contains fruits and vegetables that have a bright orange or green color. Vitamin A is rich in liver, butter, bird eggs, fish oil, dairy products. Also, a large percentage of beta-carotene is also found in hawthorn and dandelions. For better absorption of vitamin A by the body, the presence of fat in small doses is necessary. This is necessary in order for the production of gastric juice, which provides the synthesis of ready-made vitamin A, to take place. Tocopherol and choline are also needed for the processing of this group of vitamins. That is why it is recommended to use a small amount of sour cream, vegetable or olive oil as a dressing for vegetable salads.

Interaction of vitamin A with other vitamins and drugs

For better absorption of this group of vitamins, it is recommended to take vitamin E, B, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc together.

Today in pharmacies you can see a wide variety of complex vitamins. However, not all of them contain optimal ratio trace elements, so their choice should be treated very carefully. You should also not abuse their use, strictly follow the instructions and drink only when necessary, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

IMPORTANT! When taking vitamin A, try to avoid alcohol, as their interaction can cause disturbances in the functioning of the liver, as well as lead to its serious diseases. In addition, when using any vitamin, including group A, you should not use laxatives, as they reduce their absorption (with the exception of herbal laxatives).

How to get better absorption of vitamin A

In order to get the maximum benefit from the consumption of products, you must follow a few rules for their storage and preparation. We already know what vitamin A contains, now let's talk about what is better to do with them.

    In order for beta-carotene to be better absorbed by the body, vegetables are recommended to be boiled or finely chopped. But this rule is not suitable for all products, for example, when cabbage is cooked, the benefits of vitamin A are reduced, so it will be more useful to use it raw.

    The sun's rays and oxygen contribute to the destruction of vitamin A, so it is not recommended to store food in an open place under direct sunlight.

    The benefits of vitamin A will be greater if you cook foods containing beta-carotene and tocopherol together.

    Best steamed or grilled.

    The amount of retinol in milk depends on the season. In spring and summer, it is much more, since only natural fresh herbs are used in feeding cows, artificial additives are used very rarely.

    Fruits are best to choose bright red or orange colors, they contain the highest amount of vitamin A.

Good nutrition provides health to the whole body, improves well-being and mood. It also makes it possible to avoid many diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is important to properly adjust your daily diet and consume all foods in sufficient quantities.

Undoubtedly, it is best to consume not synthetic vitamins, but to get them in natural foods in the diet.

Table of vitamin A content in foods

You can follow this with the help of a special table.

Percent Daily Need

Fish oil (from cod liver)

beef liver

Cod liver (canned)

Rowan red

Parsley (greens)

Egg powder

Chicken egg yolk

Celery (greens)

Dill (greens)

Spinach (greens)

Ghee butter

Sweet butter, unsalted

Caviar black granular

Dandelion leaves (green)

quail egg

Red granular caviar


Rose hip

Sorrel (greens)


Cream powder 42%

carrot juice

Watercress (greens)

cilantro (greens)

Green onion (feather)


Cheese "Camembert"

Cheese "Swiss" 50%

Leaf lettuce (greens)

Cheese "Russian" 50%

Cheese "Roquefort" 50%

Cheese "Cheddar" 50%

Cream 35%

Basil (green)

Chicken egg

Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 45%

Sour cream 30%

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sweet pepper (Bulgarian)

Beef kidneys

Cheese "Dutch" 45%

Cheese "Adyghe"

Cheese "Parmesan"

Rowan chokeberry

Sour cream 25%


Cheese (from cow's milk)

Gouda cheese

Processed cheese "Russian"

Cream 20%

Sour cream 20%

Cream 25%

Processed cheese "Sausage"

Milk powder 25%


Milk powder 15%

Tomato (tomato)

Butter cookies

Sulguni cheese"

Chees Feta"

Condensed cream with sugar 19%

Curd 18% (fatty)

Sour cream 15%

ice cream ice cream

Asparagus (greens)

In some cases, in particular on vitamin preparations, the vitamin content is written in IU - international units. In IU, the so-called " biological activity". 1 IU = 0.3 µg of vitamin A, or 0.6 µg of B-carotene. The average daily recommended intake of vitamin A = 1000mcg (1mg), or 3300 IU.

Table of vitamin A content in foodstuffs in mg/100g of the product, and as a percentage of the recommended average daily intake of 1000mcg (1mg).

Products Vitamin A content in mg/100g The content of vitamin A in% to the average daily rate of 1 mg (1000 mcg)
Fish fat 19 1900 5,3
chicken liver 12 1200 8,3
beef liver 8,2 820 12,2
Cod liver 4,4 440 22,7
Lamb liver 3,6 360 27,8
Pork liver 3,4 340 29,4
Beluga caviar granular 1,0 100 100
Acne 0,9 90 111
Quail eggs 0,5 50 200
Butter unsalted 0,5 50 200
Caviar caviar granular 0,45 45 222
chicken eggs 0,35 35 285
Dry cream 0,35 35 285
Cheese "Cheddar" 0,3 30 333
Cheese "Russian" 0,26 26 385
Roquefort cheese 0,25 25 400
Cream 35% 0,25 25 400
Sour cream 30% 0,23 23 435
beef heart 0,23 23 435
Beef kidneys 0,23 23 435
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 0,23 23 435
Cheese "Dutch" 0,2 20 500
Sprats in oil 0,15 15 667
Processed cheese 0,15 15 667
Cheese "Brynza" 0,12 12 833
Fat cottage cheese 0,10 10 1000
Chicken 0,09 9 1110

As a constant source of vitamin A, it is much better to use its provitamin - carotene, which is found in plant foods.


consuming with plant products, carotene accumulates in the human liver, and then, as needed, retinol is synthesized from it. This eliminates the possibility of hypervitaminosis - an excess of vitamin A in the human body with all the negative consequences.


To measure the content of vitamin A in foods, the IU (international unit) is used, which is equivalent to 0.3 micrograms of retinol, or 0.6 micrograms of B-carotene.

What contains B (beta) carotene (about vitamin A). Table.

Product Carotene content: mg/100 gr. product Carotene content: in % of the average daily recommended rate. In parentheses, the amount of the product containing the daily allowance, in grams.
red carrot 12 600 17
Red pepper 10 500 20
Parsley 9 450 20
Sorrel 8 400 25
Spinach 8 400 25
Rosehip dry 6,5 325 30
Green onion 6 300 35
Soya 6 300 35
Cheremsha 4,2 210 50
Salad 3 150 65
Rosehip fresh 2,6 130 75
viburnum 2,5 125 80
Prunes 2,0 100 100
ground tomatoes 2,0 100 100
Rowan garden 1,8 90 110
apricots 1,6 80 125
Pumpkin 1,5 75 135
Sea ​​buckthorn 1,5 75 135
Dill 1,4 70 140
Rowan chokeberry 1,2 60 165
yellow carrot 1,1 55 180
Sweet green pepper 1,0 50 200
Peas 0,8 40 250
Chanterelles 0,8 40 250
Peaches 0,7 35 285
White cabbage 0,6 30 335
Melon 0,4 20 500
Brussels sprouts 0,3 15 670
Plum 0,3 15 670
Blackberry 0,3 15 670
Sweet potato 0,3 15 670
sea ​​kale 0,2 10 1000
Raspberries 0,2 10 1000
Red currants 0,2 10 1000
Black currant 0,1 5 2000
red cabbage 0,1 5 2000
kohlrabi cabbage 0,1 5 2000
Watermelon 0,1 5 2000
cucumbers 0,06 3 3350

It is necessary to use products containing carotene with the addition of oil, for better absorption, since vitamin A is fat-soluble.

Importance of vitamin A content in foods.

- enzymes necessary for the formation of connective tissue, bones, cartilage; also hyaluronic acid - the main intercellular substance.

- liver enzymes;

- taurine - is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, has an anti-calcium effect (deposited on the walls of blood vessels);

- synthesis of proteins in muscle tissue;

– synthesis of DNA, RNA, collagen molecules;

- glycoproteins that are part of the intercellular membranes;

- sex hormones;

- formation of the immune system;

– enzymes that prevent premature aging of the skin;

- an enzyme in the retina involved in "twilight vision".

- growth, formation of skin and bone tissue, retina;

- reproduction processes;

In addition, due to its structure, this vitamin interacts with free radicals, that is, it has an antioxidant effect, and also enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin E. This fact emphasizes the importance of the vitamin A content in food.

Deficiency (hypovitaminosis and beriberi) of vitamin A.

The earliest symptom of vitamin deficiency is reduced adaptation to low light. Or "night blindness". Various lesions of the skin (dermatitis), the intestinal mucosa (before the formation of ulcers), the genitourinary system (infection), bronchitis may begin to appear. Eye diseases associated with a decrease in tearing (wetting the eye). Decreased immunity, inhibition of reproductive function. Growth retardation in children. All these negative factors affecting the human body are due to a lack of vitamin A in food. This vitamin is most needed for pregnant and lactating women.

Too much vitamin A

This vitamin belongs to the group of fat-soluble, and therefore, unlike water-soluble, can accumulate in the body. This should be remembered by those who regularly use synthetic vitamins and fortified dietary supplements. Daily intake of vitamin in the amount of 4000 IU per 1 kg of body weight, for a period of six months to 12-15 months, causes chronic poisoning. In this case, the following symptoms appear: inflammation of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, enlarged liver, nausea, pain in the joints is possible. An excess of the vitamin can cause brittle bones. This highlights the importance of taking into account the content of vitamin A in food, especially in dietary supplements consumed by humans.

Daily requirement of vitamin A.

The daily requirement for vitamin A ranges from 400 mcg to childhood, up to 1500 mcg for lactating women. Adolescents from 9 to 13 years old are recommended about 700 micrograms, adults - about 1000 micrograms of vitamin per day.

Vitamin A or retinol is known to almost everyone. It is directly related to vision, which is important when working at a computer regularly. Retinol is involved in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes. It is also responsible for the integrity of the cells that form the epidermis and soft tissues of the bones, and also accelerates the healing process. With strong antioxidant properties, vitamin A is a key ingredient in the fight against aging and the prevention of cancer. With beriberi, there is a strong hair loss, loss of their luster, blurred vision.

What is Vitamin A: Sources

Firstly, vitamin A is found in large quantities in food, but regular consumption of these products does not always contribute to filling the body with this vitamin. Then it is more effective to take fortified preparations that combine a complex of vitamins.

Which foods contain the most

In the body, vitamin A is formed from carotene, i.e. provitamin A, which comes with food. Yellow fruits and vegetables have a high content of vitamin A. In addition, red is rich in carotene. bell pepper, peaches and wild rose. Vitamin A is also found in medicinal plants: barberry, sea buckthorn and mint.

Saturation with retinol occurs when you follow a diet with regular consumption of vegetables and fruits. In an adult, the loss of vitamin A occurs within a year with malnutrition with low content vitamins. The liver of a healthy person has a small supply of retinol, which is enough for a long time for the normal functioning of the body. Clinical symptoms appear after two to three years.

Table of foods containing vitamin A

We bring to your attention the main products with a high content of retinol, which must be considered in order to maintain a nutritional balance. The correct dosage will help strengthen the human body as a whole. Products are publicly available and can be purchased at any supermarket.

Names of drugs with vitamin A tablets

For adult men, the daily requirement of vitamin A is 900 micrograms. For women, this figure is several times less - 700 mcg. For children and adolescents, the maximum dose is 500 mcg. Maintaining the required dose of the vitamin is possible through special preparations. The most popular include the following:

Fish fat. Natural preparation containing about 500 mg of fish oil concentrate. It is used for active cell growth and restoration of the structure of the mucous membrane, as well as the formation of visual pigments. The composition of fish oil includes omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the development of thrombotic diseases, as well as vascular atherosclerosis. In addition, the drug contains vitamins D, E group. It is the main source of retinol. It is mainly prescribed for children for the prevention of beriberi, as well as the development of rickets. It is prescribed one or two capsules once a day.

Aekol. The drug has in its composition a complex of vitamins A, E and K. This combination enhances the action of the components included in the composition. Aekol is recommended for liver diseases, as well as for the rapid healing of burns and wounds.

Aevit. The drug has a complex of vitamins with immunostimulating properties. Aevit contributes to the normalization of capillary circulation. It is prescribed for the formation of a visual signal, takes part in the strengthening of bone tissue and bone growth, and also has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. One capsule is used once a day.

Tri-V Plus. It is recommended to slow down the aging process of the body. In addition, the drug is taken to eliminate diseases caused by stress, overwork. The drug strengthens the immune system, makes the body resistant to influenza, colds. It is prescribed once a day, one capsule.

List of oils high in vitamin A

Oil vitamins in terms of their performance are in no way inferior to the tablets we are accustomed to. Mainly used for hair or skin. Vitamins are applied to the surface of the epithelium or added to medical masks or creams. There are several oils that are high in vitamin A. The main ones include the following:

Olive oil. Has many useful substances: monounsaturated, easily digestible fats. In addition, olive oil has a complex of vitamins A, D, E. This composition contributes to the rapid absorption of useful substances by organisms. It is used for severe inflammation of the skin, as well as for the healing of ulcers, tissue damage and in the presence of bruises.

Raspberry seed oil. The composition includes the following vitamins: E, A, C, B1, B2, PP, as well as potassium and copper, fatty acids. It has a moisturizing, regenerating property, strengthens the immune system, eliminates the signs of aging. It is used to moisturize the skin in the treatment of psoriasis and so on.

Castor oil. It is used for cosmetic purposes to eliminate signs of wilting: it nourishes the skin, removes wrinkles, and relieves puffiness. The oil promotes rapid healing of wounds, relieves allergy symptoms on the skin. Often used to revitalize and strengthen hair.

Peanut butter. It has vitamins A, D and B1. In addition, the oil has many trace elements, fiber. Recommended for healing deep wounds. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous tissue, the heart. Recommended for severe fatigue, insomnia. Peanut butter improves memory, improves concentration, restores efficiency. Peanut butter is similar to olive oil.

Creams and ointments

Modern cosmetic and therapeutic creams and ointments contain a vitamin complex, in particular vitamin A. You can buy therapeutic creams at any specialized store. A prime example cosmetic product for the skin is phytocream "Chistotel", which is applied at night to eliminate acne and quickly heal damage.

The cream has healing properties that apply not only to the skin of the face, but also to the body in general. The cream perfectly cleanses the skin of the face, has a weak whitening effect. Ointment from medicinal plants"Antiallergic". The composition of the ointment includes natural ingredients, including vitamins A, C, E, PP. The ointment relieves allergy symptoms, normalizes skin sensitivity, restores immune system recommended to relieve inflammation and itching of the skin.

What does vitamin deficiency lead to?

Insufficient content of vitamin A leads to serious disorders, namely:

  • atrophy of the sweat glands;
  • deterioration in bone growth;
  • the development of hyperkeratosis, as well as peeling of the integumentary epithelium; there is a strong loss of hair, visual impairment, peeling of the nails, and so on.

With the loss of the protective properties of the skin, a tendency to inflammatory diseases develops. Recent studies have shown that a deficiency in retinol leads to a loss of control over blood sugar, which leads to the development diabetes I and II types, as well as to obesity.

The human body cannot function properly without essential vitamins, which are found in food and taken separately as active supplements. One such important substance is retinol or vitamin A, which was discovered by scientists in the first place. It is necessary to maintain the functioning of the body, which means that its deficiency can lead to poor health. But fortunately, vitamin A is found in many foods, which we will discuss in this article.

About the benefits

To begin with, it is worth listing beneficial features retinol, because they are difficult to overestimate. It has been used since ancient times to treat night blindness. So, what role does retinol play for the body and for what diseases is it used?

It is worth remembering that this substance has a cumulative effect in the body, so it is better to consume products with it in warm weather to avoid retinol deficiency in winter.

About the deficit

As we have already noted, this vitamin has a cumulative property, and its supply will serve you for a year, so you should not use it daily. The following symptoms will indicate:

  • Your eyesight will deteriorate you will perceive colors worse (not so clearly).
  • The skin and mucous membranes will become dry.
  • Nails will become brittle and begin to peel. The same applies to hair (sometimes this is fraught not only with their loss, but also with baldness).
  • Bones become harder to grow (this applies primarily to the child's body).
  • Tooth enamel becomes more sensitive to cold, hot food.
  • There is a deterioration in sleep and increased nervousness.
  • Decreased immunity the body becomes susceptible to various kinds of infections.
  • Pimples appear on the skin and other inflammatory formations.
  • Metabolic processes are disturbed.
  • During pregnancy, the fetus begins to grow and develop worse.
  • Malignancies may develop.
  • Blood sugar starts to rise which can lead to a serious disease such as diabetes mellitus.
  • Cell renewal is much worse, which negatively affects skin rejuvenation.

About oversupply

So, we found out that without retinol the body will not be able to function properly, so it is necessary to consume vitamin a in food or separately. But it is important to remember that “everything is good in moderation” and a glut of this substance is no less harmful to the body than a deficiency. What symptoms appear with an excess of this vitamin (we are talking about pharmaceutical preparations):

  1. Headache (migraine) accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Cracks and jams in the corners of the mouth.
  3. Itching different parts body, including the scalp.
  4. Edema that hurts when pressed.
  5. Nervousness that cannot be controlled.
  6. Malignant tumors can form as with a deficiency of retinol, and with its overdose, because it accumulates in excess between cells, and cell membranes cannot function normally.

If you find yourself in any of these symptoms, then you urgently need to seek the advice of a doctor, stop taking pharmacy retinol, and also minimize foods that contain vitamin a.

About correct doses

To avoid such overdoses and shortages of this and other substances, which you can learn about from, you should know their daily intake in order to always maintain its presence in your body without harming your health. This issue is resolved with each person individually, we will give approximate figures in micrograms.

  • Men need from seven hundred to a thousand micrograms.
  • Women - from six hundred to eight hundred mcg.
  • During pregnancy, a dose not exceeding nine hundred mcg is needed.
  • When breastfeeding - up to one thousand two hundred mcg.
  • If there is an acute shortage of this substance, then the allowable amount per day is up to three thousand mcg.
  • Babies need up to four hundred mcg.
  • Preschool children you can increase the dosage to four hundred and fifty mcg.
  • Preschoolers are allowed about five hundred micrograms of retinol per day.
  • School age seven to ten - seven hundred mcg.
  • Girls and boys from eleven to eighteen years old have different recommended daily doses. Girls - eight hundred mcg, boys - a thousand.

About products

Vitamin A is found in various foods. If you follow the right diet, regularly eat vegetables and fruits, then you can forget about the lack of vitamin A. We will give a list of foods that are rich in retinol.

For a city dweller, it is difficult to imagine how to consume certain foods with vitamin A, such as dandelions. But all this is not as difficult as it seems, because you can use the dandelion salad recipe. Do not rush to abandon this idea, because the salad turns out to be very tasty.


You will need dandelion leaves, one tablespoon of seeds (you can use almonds), a few rye crackers and a cucumber (one piece). The salad is dressed with olive oil (one tablespoon), one teaspoon of wine vinegar, mustard, honey and soy sauce (one teaspoon each). You finely chop the leaves, add the cucumber sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto them, mix, then the ingredients for the dressing are mixed, poured over the cooked salad. All this is sprinkled with seeds and rye crackers. Delicious and healthy salad ready!

Once you have figured out which foods contain vitamin a, do not think that with the help of food alone you can make up for its deficiency. Pharmaceutical preparations of retinol will be needed to help, but they should be used only after the approval of the doctor, so do not engage in any self-medication.

About oils

As we have already said, vitamin A is good for the skin, so many oils are rich in it. For example, in olive oil a large percentage of retinol, along with vitamins D and E. This oil has a healing effect, is used for sores or bruises.

Castor oil also contains vitamin A, it is useful for skin rejuvenation, eliminating wrinkles and eliminating swelling, and is also used to strengthen hair. There is also a lot of retinol in peanut butter, which is good for nervous system, heart problems. Also has healing properties.

In this article, we talked about what vitamin A contains and how to use it correctly. Be healthy!

Vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble compounds (lipovitamins). It is able to be deposited in the body, mainly in the liver.

According to the WHO, with hypovitaminosis in vitamin A, none of the food products can cover its deficiency, and therefore the intake of retinol in the form of pharmacological preparations is required.

Vitamin A is formed in the body from provitamins - "carotenoids" coming from outside. The term comes from carrot (carrot, English), since these precursor substances were first discovered in carrots. Related compounds are present in a wide range of vegetables and fruits (especially yellow, red and orange), as well as in algae and certain types mushrooms.

Currently, more than half a thousand carotenoids are known to science.

The most common of these are:

  • a-, b- and d-carotene;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • lutein;
  • lycopene.

Beta-carotene undergoes oxidation in the human liver, and, splitting, forms vitamin A.

The unit of measurement for retinol is 1 ER, which corresponds to 1 µg of retinol, 6 µg of b-carotene, or 12 µg of other carotenoids.

1 mcg is 3.33 IU for retinol or 10 IU for b-carotene.

Important:it has been experimentally proven that beef, skimmed milk, and cereals contain insufficient amounts of carotene and retinol, i.e., they cannot serve as full-fledged sources of vitamin A.

Animal foods containing vitamin A:

  • beef liver;
  • Cod liver;
  • fish fat;
  • sea ​​fish caviar;
  • whole milk;
  • cream;
  • egg yolk.

Plant Sources:

  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper ("Bulgarian" and hot cayenne);
  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • parsley;
  • parsley;
  • peas;
  • soya beans;
  • apples;
  • (kelp seaweed).

Important:in large quantities, provitamin A is present in herbs such as alfalfa, horsetail, pepper, lemongrass, nettle, sage, hops, and plantain.

Vitamin A is involved in a number of metabolic processes in the human body. It plays an important role in the regulation of protein biosynthesis and ensures the stability of cell membranes. The connection is necessary for the formation of bone tissue, as well as enamel and dentin. Thanks to him, the fat reserves necessary for a person are formed.

Note:It has been known since ancient times that liver consumption improves visual acuity and helps prevent or cure night blindness.

Retinol is necessary for adequate photoreception (perception of light); it takes part in the biosynthesis of retinal pigment. The most important carotenoids prevent cataracts and significantly reduce the likelihood of developing macular degeneration, a pathology that is one of the main causes of blindness.

Vitamin A is one of the most effective natural antioxidants. It minimizes the harmful effects of free radicals, which allows the use of retinol and carotenoids for the prevention and treatment (as part of complex therapy) of oncological diseases. In clinical studies, it has been proven that b-carotene reduces the likelihood of recurrence of malignant neoplasms after surgery.

The antioxidant effect helps prevent the development of a number of serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Vitamin A is able to increase the serum concentration of high density lipoproteins necessary for the body.

The carotenoid lycopene, which is found in large quantities in tomatoes, prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the vascular walls, thus protecting a person from its dangerous consequences. This provitamin also reduces the likelihood of developing malignant and breast cancer, as well as prostate cancer.

The state of non-specific depends largely on vitamin A. The compound is able to increase the body's resistance against infectious agents of a bacterial and viral nature (the phagocytic activity of leukocytes is significantly increased).

Sufficient intake of vitamin A with food reduces the likelihood of developing colds, as well as infections of the genitourinary and respiratory systems and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Children who eat well and regularly receive retinol and carotenoids in the right amount are much easier to tolerate "" and.

The constant presence of a sufficiently high level of retinol in the serum significantly increases the life expectancy of patients suffering.

Vitamin A is actively involved in the process of regeneration of the epithelial layer of the skin and mucous membranes. Its preparations are widely used in the treatment of any (, etc.), as well as skin damage due to mechanical injuries or burns. Due to the stimulation of the collagen biosynthesis process, retinol ensures the fastest healing, greatly reducing the risk of developing secondary infectious complications. Vitamin A significantly improves the quality of tissue that is newly formed at the site of significant damage.

many modern cosmetic preparations include retinoid substances, which are nothing more than synthetic analogues of vitamin A. Retinoid creams are very good for sunburn.

The beneficial effect of retinol on epithelial cells improves the functional activity of the bronchi and lungs. Receiving vitamin A preparations for patients can speed up recovery in such pathologies of the digestive tract as peptic ulcer and colitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the walls of the large intestine).

Retinol is one of the most important organic compounds needed for normal prenatal development future child.

Women who are preparing to become mothers are advised to consume sufficient amounts of vitamin A to improve the nutrition of the fetus and reduce the likelihood of having an underweight baby.

For pregnant women, the daily intake of retinol should be 750-770 micrograms. For nursing mothers, the norm recommended by Russian doctors is higher - 1200-1300 mcg.

Important: during childbearing, you can not consume more than 6000 IU per day, because high doses have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. For the same reason, during pregnancy, women are categorically contraindicated in fish oil.

How much vitamin A is required per day?

The average intake of vitamin A for an adult is 3300 IU (1000 mcg) per day. Against the background of pathologies caused by hypovitaminosis A, it is recommended to increase consumption by 3 times (up to 10,000 IU).

Important:climatic conditions can affect the body's need for vitamin A. Cold weather has no effect on retinol metabolism, but a hot climate makes its own adjustments: the need for this vitamin increases significantly.

Babies in their first year of life need 400 micrograms of retinol per day. Children from 1 to 3 years old need 450 mcg of the vitamin, those aged 4 to 6 years need 500 mcg, and from 7 to 10 years old 700 mcg per day.

For teenagers, the rules are the same as for adults.

Note:the need is reduced in women who take birth control pills.

Hypovitaminosis: causes and symptoms

Plasma vitamin A levels are considered insufficient if they are below 0.35 µmol/L.

Even at a level of 0.70-1.22 µmol / l, the amount of retinol in its main “storage”, i.e., in the liver, is noticeably reduced.

The main reasons for the development of hypovitaminosis include:

For the full assimilation of vitamin A, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fat and complete protein. It must be present in food, the absence of which makes it difficult to absorb retinol.

Important:hypovitaminosis A is often observed in vegetarians who do not replace animal products with the necessary amount of high-grade vegetable protein.

The characteristic manifestations of hypovitaminosis include:

  • increased temperature sensitivity;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • early aging of the skin (the appearance of wrinkles);
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • feeling of "foreign body" or "sand" in the eyes;
  • accumulation of mucus and the formation of crusts in the corners of the eyes;
  • urinary incontinence (sphincter weakness);
  • hyperesthesia (pathologically high degree of sensitivity) of tooth enamel;
  • deterioration of erectile function;
  • early ejaculation.

A very characteristic manifestation of retinol deficiency is hemeralopia - a significant deterioration in vision at dusk.

Consequences of vitamin A deficiency:

  • xerophthalmia (dryness of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes);
  • clouding of the cornea;
  • precancerous pathologies and skin cancer;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • pancreatitis;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • mastopathy;
  • malignant tumors of the mammary glands;
  • gynecological diseases (etc.);
  • cachexia (exhaustion);
  • anemia (anemia);
  • frequent respiratory infections;
  • cystic formations of the liver;
  • insomnia.

Indications for taking vitamin A

Vitamin A is prescribed orally, for injection (IM) or for topical application, if diagnosed:

  • pathology of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • burns, fractures and other injuries (to accelerate regeneration).

Mild and moderate hypovitaminosis require doses up to 33,000 IU for adult patients and from 1,000 to 5,000 for children. For skin diseases, the dosages are higher - 50000-100000 and 5000-10000 IU, respectively.


Important:vitamin A has a toxic effect on the body when consumed 25,000 IU per day.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis:

  • pain in the abdominal region;
  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • alopecia;
  • arthralgia;
  • "Zaedy" in the corners of the mouth;
  • delay of menstruation;
  • dry skin;
  • increased fragility and thickening of the nail plates.

Important:a lack of zinc leads to a violation of the absorption of retinol.

The combination of vitamin A and ethanol causes more significant liver damage than alcohol exposure.
