Strength training at home for women. Strength training for weight loss at home

“I don’t have time”, “the gym is expensive”, “I have children on me”, “I’m at work all the time”, “I’m too lazy” - these are rocks that your dreams are broken about sculpted abs and/or mighty ass, right? Indeed: study, work, family - all this requires resources and does not remain on a healthy lifestyle neither time nor energy.

ENOUGH TOLERATING THIS! I have thoroughly studied the issue and can confidently state: properly designed home workouts are no less effective, than the usual training in the gym. At the same time, you don’t have to go anywhere, buy a subscription, etc. Everything is here, just get off the couch! For the exercises, you only need your body and willpower. The only thing, if you want to really pump up at home, buy a horizontal bar. For fat burning workouts, this unit is not required.

Benefits of training at home

  • Duration: from the moment the ass is lifted off the couch until it returns to its original position - no more than 30 minutes;
  • Raise (much higher?) your splendor 3 times for up to 48 hours;
  • They burn fat and grow your muscles - they bring you closer to your cherished goal;
  • Not an option to mow;

Cons of training at home

  • You still have to get your ass off the couch;
  • Not an option to mow;

Well, are you already burning with impatience? Hold your horses, materiel ahead - let's go!

Strength training at home

What is strength training? This is a set of exercises aimed at muscle overcoming external resistance. Such resistance does not have to be created with free weights or simulators, you can train perfectly with your own weight. And that's why.


According to Mayo Clinic experts (one of the most reputable clinics in the world), your own weight will freely replace the training iron for you. The direction of strength training with your weight is called " calisthenics"(from Greek κάλλος - beauty and σθένος - strength).

One of the main stimuli for muscle hypertrophy (increase in volume) is mechanical. To use it, you need to work with a weight of about 70-75% of 1RM(one repetition maximum), and this is the weight at which failure is achieved on 10-12 repetitions .

Conclusion: you don't have to pull barbells and dumbbells. Your weight will be enough.

The effects of bodyweight training

      1. contribute to the growth of muscle mass and strength;
      2. speed up metabolism, help to reduce the percentage of fat in the body;
      3. improve coordination well, even better than Pilates;
      4. reduce the risk of osteoporosis, high blood pressure and other delights seated image life;
      5. great look.

Strength exercises for training at home

muscle group Level
Newbie Advanced Hugh Jackman
Legs and absSquatsSquatsSquats on one leg ("pistol")
LungesChair lift lungesBulgarian lunges
plankPlank with one arm or leg raised / Side PlankPlank 1 arm and 1 leg
TwistingRaising legs lying on the floorTwisting with hands touching the toes
chest and tricepsPush-ups from the kneesRegular push upsPush-ups with jump / claps or on one arm
Reverse push-ups for tricepsPush-ups with a narrow gripTriceps push-ups with elbows touching the floor
Back and bicepsPull-ups in partial amplitude or on the low barRegular pull-upsPull-ups / one arm
Hyperextension lying on the floor ("boat")-*- -*-

How to build a home strength workout

  1. Start with 2-3 times per week according to the “full body” method (whole body), because it is most effective at the initial stage. Do according 2 exercises for each muscle group.
  2. Then divided into 2 workouts: do the upper body in one, and the bottom and the press in the second, 3 exercises for each muscle group. If time allows, you can do 2 of these workouts per week, but it's best if they will be 4(top, bottom, top, bottom).
  3. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
  4. Do the concentric phase (muscle contraction) quickly, and do the negative phase slower - 2-4 seconds.
  5. Do 10 to 12 repetitions , 4 sets- such a number of approaches optimally increases the concentration of growth hormone. Work to failure.
  6. Periodically change exercises, use different combinations. This will help overcome plateaus and stimulate muscle growth.
  7. And don't forget, whatever your goal, achieve results without proper nutrition impossible!

Cardio at home - Tabata protocol

Dealt with power. Now it's time for the fat. A powerful stimulus for fat burning, in addition to a calorie deficit, is muscle metabolic stress - in Russian, burning in the muscles, pump. To achieve it, you need to work with maximum exhaustion. Long work, short rest, maximum intensity. All this combines the following training methodology.

Meet - tabata workouts- This is a hardcore version of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), the undoubted benefits of which I have already talked about in.


Japanese scientists led by Dr. Izumi Tabata (hence the name of the protocol) (1996) forced some cyclists to pedal at an average intensity for an hour a day for 6 weeks, and the second group - only 4 minutes, but according to a certain protocol - alternating 20 seconds of maximum intensity and 10 seconds of rest. The most interesting - the effect of training was better in the second group. More recent research has also shown that the Tabata protocol dramatically improves cardio endurance and calorie expenditure.

Effects of cardio training according to the Tabata protocol

  1. Increased aerobic and anaerobic endurance.
  2. Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  3. Powerful fat burning.
  4. Bliss!

Moreover, Tabata is effective not only for fat burning. It gives fiery metabolic stress to the muscles, allowing simultaneously increase muscle mass.

Everything is cool - 4 minutes, fabulous effects. Well, yes, only you will also have to plow fabulously - at 170%, all-out!

Fat Burning Exercises for the Tabata Protocol

Exercise groups Level
Newbie Advanced Hugh Jackman
A- LegsA1 - SquatsA2- Uneven high squatsA3 - Single leg squat ("pistol")
A1 - LungesA2 - Lunges with a rise to a chairA3 - Bulgarian lunges
A1 - JumpingA2- High jumps with heels touching the buttocksA3 - Tuck Jump - a jump with a tuck in the air
B - upper partB1 - Knee PushupsB2- Regular push-upsB3 - Push-ups with jump / claps or on one arm
B1 - Partial or low bar pull-upsB2 - Regular pull-upsB3 - Uneven pull-ups / one arm
C - pressC1 - TwistingC2 - "Bicycle"C3 - Twisting with hands touching the toes
D - general, for the whole bodyD1 - Light Burpee D2 - Regular burpee D3 - Hardcore burpee - one leg
D1 - Running in an emphasis lying down (exercise "climber")D2 - Inch Worm Exercise D3 - Spiderman Pushups

If you are a beginner, be careful, the load is very powerful, be guided by the sensations - it should be hard, but not bad. Better, as they say, consult a doctor. But you should not be afraid of the load either - it will make you stronger, the body will adapt.

Full body workouts for all muscle groups are more effective in burning fat than splits.

How to Build a Tabata Home Cardio Workout

    1. warm up- stretching, joints, disperse blood through the muscles, speed up the pulse. Running in place for a few minutes is fine.
    2. Choose one exercise from each groups in the table depending on the level of your preparation. For example, if you are a beginner - choose something from A1, B1, C1 and D1.
    3. 20 seconds from MAXIMUM intensity, 10 seconds rest.
    4. 1 circle - 4 minutes - consists of 8 intervals 20:10.
    5. MAXIMUM intensity, Carl.
    6. Go by feel, it must be hard.
    7. Remember, fat does not burn if you are.

Simplified version: according to the Tabata protocol, you can do just jumping rope or squats.

Use home workout apps

If you don’t want to make your own workouts, use special fitness apps. They will not only correctly select the exercises for you, but also add a competitive touch - hang out with friends!

I recommend runtastic results. It develops customized 12-week bodyweight training programs that are completed in 15-30 minutes, where and when it suits you. Each exercise is provided with a detailed video instruction - 150 videos in HD quality and with motivating music. In addition, advice is given on nutrition and lifestyle. You can follow your progress by taking and comparing your before/after photos.

The full version of the program is not free (about 2300 rubles a year), but, you see, this minuscule when compared to a gym membership and a personal trainer. If you are hesitant to buy full version, you can evaluate the possibilities of the program by trying several free workouts.

On Google Play and App Store There are a sea of ​​similar programs, but, as for me, Runstatic Results is the most well-developed and convenient. Also try body weight from Freeletics.

  1. Although it takes a little longer, don't skip warm-up And hitch;
  2. Set time on a timer performing exercises. During intense training (especially the Tabata principle), it is extremely important to keep track of time;
  3. Ventilate the room before training and after it. Weather permitting, train with the window open, but do not allow drafts;
  4. Drink water while exercising;
  5. Engage in sportswear/shoes and not in your favorite dressing gown;
  6. Work to the fullest. You are running out of time, you need to properly load your muscles;
  7. When you can easily do 12-15 repetitions of a certain exercise, complicate it.

I hope I convinced you that home workouts are very real and effective. You just have to select maximum half an hour a day and start practicing. Act now, time is running out!


    1. ACSM Information On Resistance Training
    2. Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. Is body weight training effective as a strength training exercise?
    3. Pearson, S.J. & Hussain S.R. A Review on the Mechanisms of Blood-Flow Restriction Resistance Training-Induced Muscle Hypertrophy. Sports Med (2015) 45:187.
    4. Fujita E. et al. Effects of Body-weight Squat Training on Muscular Size, Strength and Balance Ability in Physically Frail Older Adults.” International Journal of Sport and Health Science. 14:21–30.
    5. Westcott WL. Resistance training is medicine: effects of strength training on health. Curr Sports Medical Rep. 2012 Jul-Aug;11(4):209-16.
    6. Willis LH et al. Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2012 Dec 15;113(12):1831-7.
    7. Tsourlou T. et al. The effects of a calisthenics and a light strength training program on lower limb muscle strength and body composition in mature women. J Strength Cond Res. 2003 Aug;17(3):590-8.
    8. de Salles BF et al. Rest interval between sets in strength training. Sports Med. 2009;39(9):765-77.
    9. Henselmans M, Schoenfeld BJ. The effect of inter-set rest intervals on resistance exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy. Sports Med. 2014 Dec;44(12):1635-43.
    10. Kramer WJ. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2002, 34(2):364-380
    11. Wernbom M et al. The influence of frequency, intensity, volume and mode of strength training on whole muscle cross-sectional area in humans. Sports Med. 2007;37(3):225-64.
    12. Schoenfeld BJ. The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. J Strength Cond Res. 24(10): 2857–2872, 2010
    13. Smilios I et al. Hormonal responses after various resistance exercise protocols. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003 Apr;35(4):644-54.
    14. Stephen Ball, Ph.D. A Strength Training Program for Your Home
    15. Tabata I. et al. Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Issue: Volume 28(10), October 1996, pp 1327-1330.
    16. Talisa Emberts et al. Exercise Intensity and Energy Expenditure of a Tabata Workout. J Sports Sci Med. 2013 Sep; 12(3): 612–613.
    17. M. Heydari et al. The Effect of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise on Body Composition of Overweight Young Males. J Obes. 2012; 2012: 480467.
    18. Gist NH et al. Effects of Low-Volume, High-Intensity Whole-Body Calisthenics on Army ROTC Cadets. Mil Med. 2015 May;180(5):492-8.
    19. Crewther B. T., Heke, T. O. L., Keogh, J. W. L. (2016). The effects of two equal-volume training protocols upon strength, body composition and salivary hormones in male rugby union players. Biology of Sport, 33:111-116.

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With love, Kocher.

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Strength training is necessary for women in order to change body composition in favor of muscle instead of fat. Achieving a muscle mass norm of 35% is important for women's health.

How does strength training work for women?

Weight loss occurs when the number of calories burned per day exceeds the number consumed with food.

Performing a power load, a woman receives a double benefit for weight loss:

  • spends energy during heavy exercises with dumbbells;
  • expends energy during muscle recovery after exercise.
  • Of course, nutrition is a major part of the furor, because it should not compensate for the energy spent for weight loss.

    What is needed for strength training at home?

    For weight loss, women do not need to build up huge muscle mass, therefore it is not necessary to purchase a subscription to Gym.

    To get started, you will need one of the following:

  • a pair of dumbbells with a weight of 4-5 kg;
  • one kettlebell weighing 8 kg;
  • sandbag or bag with sand - weighing 10 kg.
  • Having on hand, it would be true, one sports equipment from the list is allowed to be practiced at home for weight loss, performing multi-repetitive exercises.

    How to write a strength training program?

    For women, the training program may include exercises for the whole body or broken down into muscle groups. If plans include the acquisition of relief, then you need to gain muscle mass. The correct approach is to perform exercises to failure with a gradual increase in load, either due to weight, or due to the number of repetitions and the angle of muscle development.

    Beginners who train at home should start with complexes for the whole body. The program is designed for classes three times a week.

    Home workout with dumbbells - day 1

    The program of the first day loads the muscles of the legs, chest, triceps, biceps, abdomen and middle back:

  • Squats - 3x10-15 times. Hold the dumbbells in straight arms, keep your back straight, take your pelvis back and sit down, making sure that your knees do not go beyond the edge of your socks;
  • Push-ups from the floor - 3x10 times. Rest your palms on the floor, kneel (for beginners), lower your chest lower to the floor by bending your arms at the elbows, return to the starting position;
  • Plank with leg curls - 3 x 20 reps. Remain in an emphasis lying down for push-ups, bend the left leg at the knee and pull it to the stomach, change the leg - repeat the required number of times;
  • Bending the arms while standing in an inclination - 3x10 times. Stand up, take dumbbells in straightened arms, palms turned outward. Bend your arms at the elbows, lifting the dumbbells to the shoulders, the elbows remain static;
  • Lunges - 3x20 times. Hold the dumbbells in straight arms, take a wide step with your right foot, sit down, return to the starting position and repeat with the other foot;
  • Pull to the belt in the slope - 3x10 times. Bend over at an angle of 45 degrees, pulling the pelvis back, knees slightly bent, back straight, arms with dumbbells down. Bending your elbows, pull the weight towards your waist.
  • Home workout with dumbbells - day 2

    The program of the second day includes exercises for the back of the thigh, lower back, triceps, abs and upper back:

    • Deadlift 3x10. Dumbbells are in straight hands on the hips. Lean forward, keeping your back straight and pulling your pelvis back so that the dumbbells go down, literally sliding down your legs. Reach the middle of the lower leg and return to the starting position;
    • Superman 3x10. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms and legs. Tear off the arms and legs from the floor at the same time, return to the starting position;
    • Standing arm extension - 3x10. Hands at the seams, bent at the elbows, tilt the body 60 degrees forward, slightly bend the knees, the back is straight, the deflection in the lower back is preserved. Extend your arms back, leaving your elbows static;
    • Lying leg curl - 3x10. Lie on your stomach, hold a dumbbell between your feet. Bend your knees, lifting the weight up, slowly lower it;
    • Twisting butterfly 3x15. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them apart, pressing your feet. Raise the upper body, rounding the back, touching the feet with the hands;
    • Dumbbell row in the bar - 3x15. Stand in an emphasis for push-ups, put a dumbbell on the tier of the eyes. Pull it with your right hand along the floor under you, approximately to the tier of the abdomen, with your left hand return it to its place. After that, perform the movement, starting with the other hand.

    Home workout with dumbbells - day 3

    The program of the third day involves the muscles of the buttocks, shoulders, chest, abs and lower legs.

    At home, exercises with dumbbells can be performed with bottles:

    • Pelvic lifts - 3x15. Lie on the floor, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Put the dumbbell on the hips (pelvic bones) and raise the pelvis above the floor, holding at the top point;
    • Standing press - 3x10. Hold hands with dumbbells on the tier of the shoulders, knees slightly bent, the lower back is neutral (without deflection). Straighten your arms, lifting the weight above your head;
    • Rises on socks 3x20. lift on toes, holding the weight in your hands;
    • Negative push-ups or bench press 3x10. lie on your stomach, rest your palms on the floor on the tier of your shoulders, push off and raise your straight body in your arms until your elbows are fully extended. Or lie on your back, placing a pillow under the shoulder blades, take dumbbells on the chest tier - the elbows will go down to the floor. Squeeze the weight up, unbending the elbows;
    • Bicycle - 3x20. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Alternately bring your knees to your stomach, at the same time directing the elbows of opposite hands to them. Do not put your feet on the floor;
    • Lunges "curtsy" 3x20. Holding the dumbbells in lowered hands, take a step back and slightly to the side, sit down, return to the starting position and change legs.

    The program can be performed using a barbell, sandbag, and collapsible dumbbells, slowly increasing the weight. Strength training for advanced women is complemented by one day of interval training.

    Circuit training at home

    You can burn even more calories if you use the circuit training format, which involves performing 5-6 exercises one after another without interruption for a given number of times.

    The above weight training program for women with dumbbells fits perfectly into the circular format: you just need to perform the presented five exercises not in three sets, but in three circles, trying to reduce rest time.

    Classes are held in a cardio-strength mode: jumping rope, running in place and other plyometrics are added to standard strength exercises with dumbbells - all that increases the mental pace.

    The program for weight loss at home should strictly include one day in a cardio-strength saturated format. It is allowed to take any of the days of the above program and put between strength exercises 30-60 seconds of jumping rope or running in place.

    The program can be easily built again and adjusted to the probabilities of the whole person:

  • Squats and bench press - 10 times. We take one or two dumbbells on the chest tier, squat down and, when lifting up, squeeze the weight up, straightening our elbows;
  • Jumping over an obstacle - 20 times. We use a dumbbell, a bag, a box instead of an obstacle, making jumps from side to side or straight;
  • Push-ups and bending of the legs - 10 times. Take an emphasis lying down, push up, then alternately bend at the knees and pull the legs to the stomach;
  • Lunge back with jumping - 10 times on each leg. Make an ordinary reverse lunge - step back and sit down, then swing the leg that took the step.
  • Do exercises as quickly as possible, but not to the detriment of technique. The number of circles and the speed of execution are entirely dependent on the tier of physical training - the greater the endurance, the greater the work will be done in certain number time, the more calories burned!

    As women reach their goal, strength training plans are adjusted.

    Nutrition before and after strength training

    For women, the main thing is not to lose weight, but to maintain muscle mass and a typical layer of subcutaneous fat, which determines nutrition by about 80% in addition to regular exercise. Provide muscles with a sufficient amount of protein - approximately 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight due to lean meat, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, beans, chickpeas, nuts, cereals. Maintain a sufficient amount of energy with difficult carbohydrates - cereals and grains of bold grinding: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, whole grain bread.

    Meals before class should contain proteins, carbohydrates and a minimum of fat - that is, nuts are not suitable. Banana with cottage cheese, oatmeal with raisins, whole grain bread with cheese can be perfect snacks an hour and a half before class.

    Nutrition after class should be filled with proteins and suitable fats: eggs, boiled chicken salad with green vegetables, nuts and cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey. Finally, it is allowed to do protein cocktail, which contains all the amino acids to strengthen muscles - fat burners. For weight loss after the load, you should not eat fruits.

    Nutrition is a basic component, one that changes depending on the goals - losing weight, maintaining weight or a set of muscle mass. To burn fat or true weight loss, you need to cut back on primitive carbohydrates - bread, potatoes, sweets, fruits to 1-2 per day. To maintain weight, it is enough to maintain a balance between proteins (30%), fats (30%) and carbohydrates (40%). The ratio varies depending on the type of physique: those inclined to be overweight should reduce carbohydrates, and those who are thin should increase their number. The main thing is to switch to the right three meals a day, in which breakfast is the most dense in terms of carbohydrate composition, and dinner is light and satisfying due to proteins.

    Beautiful figure and health to your body!

    A properly designed training program can achieve impressive results. Even while studying at home, girls should adhere to a special lesson plan. For beginners, the entry-level program is suitable. Basic classes are the choice of girls with fitness experience. For those who are ready for intense loads, a difficult level has been developed.

    Although the beauty of the human body is considered a purely subjective concept, many women make a lot of efforts to achieve their own ideals. But no matter how much effort and time is spent on skin care procedures and debilitating diets, change volumes and build muscle without physical activity will not work.

    And here the stumbling block becomes a banal lack of time or financial problems that do not allow you to visit the gym, or even your own complexes associated with the presence excess weight or individual characteristics of the figure. In such cases, training at home will be the ideal solution - a program for girls will allow you to achieve visible results without financial investment with minimal time.

    If you decide to start exercising on your own, tips on how to create a home workout program for girls will come in handy. Chaotic classes, conducted without a specific scheme, will not be able to solve either the issue of a smart figure or the problem of losing weight. You will have to think through all the little things, starting with a set of exercises and the frequency of classes, ending with the number of approaches and rest time. When compiling a training program at home for girls, it is necessary to take into account sports training, training goals and the presence of excess weight.

    So, women who want to lose weight will have to focus on cardio. And for girls who have good physical fitness, to increase the load, use weighting agents and more strength training, and the number of approaches when performing each exercise.

    Beginner Program

    If there is no sports experience, you should not rush headlong into exhausting workouts. To achieve ideal proportions and a toned body with the help of unbearable loads will not work.

    Any muscles require rest - it is during this period that they not only relax, but also grow. And untrained muscle tissues under the influence of loads come into hypertonicity much faster, which requires a longer rest.

    Therefore, the home training program for girls who have not been involved in fitness before provides for no more than three strength training sessions per week with rest intervals between them in one day. The total time of each workout will not exceed 40 minutes. During this period, it is necessary to complete three sets, trying to repeat each exercise as many times as possible, but not exceeding 20. Between each round we take a break of 90 seconds.

    Exercises of the 1st workout

    Classic squats. We perform regular squats, moving the buttocks back so that the thighs are parallel to the floor.

    Lunges from a standing position. Take a big step forward and bend your knee. In the meantime, we touch the knee of the second limb of the floor. Alternate legs when performing lunges.

    Rises on socks. Feet rest on the floor. Slowly rise to your toes and lower yourself back.

    Straight twists. From a prone position, raise the upper body as you exhale. The distance between the chin and chest should not be less than a clenched fist.

    Push ups. Kneeling, we lean on our palms, and on each exhalation we bend our elbows, I try to keep my back straight without lifting my buttocks up.

    Exercises of the 2nd workout

    Direct lunges.

    Reverse push-ups. We rest with the brushes on the support, and with the heels on the rug. The whole body should be stretched into a string. Bending and moving the elbows to the side, we lower the body to the floor. While inhaling, we straighten our arms.

    Mahi back. Kneeling with the emphasis of the hands on the floor, as you exhale, we take the straight leg sharply back and slightly up. Alternate swings with both legs.

    Reverse crunches. Lying on the floor, we rest our feet on the floor, bending our knees. As you exhale, pull your knees into your chest.

    Plie squats. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, spreading our feet to the sides. We lower the buttocks to the floor, bending the legs at the knees.

    3rd Workout Exercises

    Classic squat with calf raise.

    Chair push-ups. We perform ordinary push-ups, resting our palms on any elevated support.

    Reverse lunges. From a standing position, take a wide step back and lower your knee to the floor. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

    complex twisting. We lay down on the floor. On each exhalation, lift the torso and bent knees simultaneously up.

    Rolls from socks to heels.

    A basic level of

    When the exercises for beginners are performed with ease, you can safely move on to the next level. How long it will take for this will depend on the characteristics of the body, and on personal diligence.

    In fact, by this time, classes had become regular, and the body got used to the volume of loads. Therefore, you will have to add new exercises to the program, also use weighting agents. You can use ordinary dumbbells, but if they are not available, regular bottles filled with water will do.

    At this stage, the number of workouts does not change, the frequency of repetitions and approaches also remain the same. We start new exercises with weights with 10 repetitions in each approach.

    First complex

    Squats with dumbbells. We hold dumbbells in our hands along the torso. Performing classic squats, raise the dumbbells forward.

    Arm curl. Exercises can be performed both sitting and standing. Holding the dumbbells in our hands, we turn the brushes so that the dumbbells are directed forward. Alternately bending the arms at the elbows, pulling the hand to the shoulder.

    Reverse push-ups.

    Hand spread. We lay down on our backs. Raises straight arms with dumbbells up. As you exhale, spread them apart, touching the floor. While inhaling, we bring the limbs in front of us.

    Oblique twists. We take a position lying on our back. We start the arms bent at the elbows behind the head, and bend the legs at the knees, lifting them so that the shins are parallel to the floor. We bring the elbow to the knee of the opposite leg. We alternate the sides of twisting.

    Second complex

    Push ups. We complicate the previous push-ups, focusing not on the knees, but on the socks. We try to keep our hands at shoulder level during push-ups. The narrower they are located, the greater the load will be.

    Retraction of dumbbells behind the back. Raise both hands above your head, holding dumbbells in them. Alternately bend them at the elbows, winding the dumbbells behind the back. This exercise helps to tighten the chest.

    Lunges with dumbbells. In the starting position, we hold our arms with weights along the torso. Performing a lunge with your foot, we part them to the sides.

    Flexion of the arm. You will need a support on which you can rest your knee and hand. It can be the edge of a sofa or bed. We lower the second hand with a dumbbell down. As you exhale, bend your elbow, pulling the load to your chest.

    Hand touching socks. Lying on a gymnastic rug, we try to reach the toe of the opposite leg with our outstretched hand. We constantly alternate sides. We try to do the exercise at an increased pace.

    Third complex

    Plie squat with dumbbells. Performing a deep squat with legs spread apart, raise the upper limbs with the load up through the sides.

    Side lunges. In the starting position, the legs are wider than the width of the shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are located in front of the body below. Bend one leg at the knee, doing a squat to one side. At the same time, we raise our hands in front of the body. After returning to the starting position, we lunge to the other side.

    Hand raises. In a standing position, raise one arm with a dumbbell above your head. The second at this time is located along the body. With each breath, we change their location. Exercise must be done by tensing the muscles and at a fairly fast pace.

    Bicycle exercise. We lie down on the floor and bend our knees, tearing them off the floor. We alternately straighten and bend our legs, as if we are pedaling.

    Back kicks. We get on all fours. We first draw one leg to the chest, and then straighten it sharply, taking it back and up. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

    Professional level

    You can start intensive training only after you have fully mastered the previous exercises, which you can perform in full. Usually, the transition to complex training should be done no earlier than after 4-5 months of regular training.

    The program is supplemented with new activities. In addition, the number of classes increases to 4 per week. It is recommended to repeat each action at least 20 times, in each of 3-4 sets.

    Lesson 1

    Slow squats with weights. We perform a classic squat, but in slow pace lingering for a few seconds at the bottom point. When performing a squat, we raise the limbs with the load in front of us. Follow the squat technique.

    Hand spread. Sitting on a chair, we lower our hands with bottles down. On each exhalation, we spread them to the sides, raising the weight to shoulder level.

    Bulgarian lunges. We step back from the chair one step forward. We rest the toe of one foot on the seat of the chair. We bend the knee, lowering the buttocks to the floor. At the same time, we spread our arms to the sides.

    Twisting push-up. From the emphasis on straight arms and socks, we perform a classic push-up. Having risen to the upper position, through the side we raise our hand up, twisting the body. On the next ascent, we turn the body in the opposite direction.

    Double lunges. Standing straight, take a step forward with your foot. Bend your knees so that one touches the floor. We return to the standing position, and take a step back with the same foot. Bend your knees again until the working limb touches the floor. Having worked one side, we move on to the second.

    Lesson 2

    Deadlift squat. After completing the classic squat, we lean forward, reaching out with the upper limbs with a load to the floor.

    Reverse push-ups. The emphasis during push-ups at this level is made from the litter.

    Putting hands behind the head. We take both dumbbells in closed hands and raise them above our heads. Let's put them on the back.

    double twist.

    Side lunges with swings. Take a step to the right and do a deep squat. We return to the standing position, and take the same leg to the side. Keep your balance.

    Twisting with slopes. We hold closed hands with dumbbells in front of the chest. On the exhale, we turn in one direction behind the hands. Returning to the starting position, we tilt to the opposite leg. On the next exhale, turn to the other side.

    Lesson 3

    Belt pull. We bend down, lowering our hands to the floor. On each exhalation, we pull the weighting agent to the belt.

    Back Squats. We turn our backs to the chair. We rest our palms on the seat. We lower the buttocks down, bending the arms at the elbows. At the bottom point, we linger for a few seconds.

    Oblique twists.

    Hand spread. We lay down on the bench with our backs. We hold hands with dumbbells, lifting up. We breed them to the sides, trying to lower them just below the level of the bench.

    Bulgarian lunges with lifting the load to the sides.

    Lesson 4

    Slow squats. Performing a classic squat, we do not bend our legs to the end and do not straighten them. The pace should be so slow that one repetition takes about 30 seconds. The signal for the end of the repetitions will be a strong burning sensation in the muscles.

    Alternating forward and reverse twists.

    Triple push-ups. With each of the three push-ups, we reduce the distance between the brushes.

    Belt pull from a position with emphasis on the knee and elbow.

    Lunges and swings to the side. Take a wide step with your foot to the left. Bend the knee and lower the buttocks to the floor. Returning to the standing position, we take the same leg to the left. Perform a lunge and swing to the other side.

    Be sure to prepare your muscles for the upcoming loads, for which start each session with a warm-up.

    At the end, give the muscles the opportunity to stretch, for which do several stretching exercises for the main group of muscle tissues that are most involved during the current workout.

    At any level, strength training should be supplemented with cardio loads. It can be jumping, running, jumping rope or on simulators. Cardio classes can be alternated with the main ones and performed on recovery days after power loads.

    Do not forget that even the most well-written sport program does not exclude the requirements for nutrition and drinking regimen.

    Most key moment is regularity. After taking a short break, you have to start all over again.

    In order to keep fit, avoid adding extra pounds and gain stamina, there are certain gymnastic complexes. However, you need to know the basic rules for their daily implementation. You need to choose the right equipment, outline an exercise plan and allocate time for this. Prepare the room and dress appropriately. Strength training for women at home involves a certain set of movements, the purpose of which is to increase muscle mass. If the fair sex is going to visit the gym, she should provide herself with the necessary diet, work and rest.

    Strength Training Equipment

    Most women prefer to train from the comfort of their own apartment. Therefore, they need to stock up on certain items to perform the exercises.

    For strength training, they should purchase:

    • dumbbells weighing at least four kilograms;
    • weight about eight kilograms;
    • sandbag about ten kilograms;
    • weighting agents;
    • expander;
    • fitness ring;
    • jump rope
    • simulators;
    • medicine ball;
    • barbell;
    • bench, etc.

    Having such equipment available, you can significantly increase your muscle mass. If there is a desire to develop, then the daily implementation of a set of strength exercises will save on the premises of the gym.

    It is not necessary to strive to acquire absolutely all items for training. Any one element of the load will be enough. With its help at home, you can effectively get rid of excess weight and get in great shape.

    True, you need to know exactly which way it is best to use the inventory. With the right adherence to certain wishes, significant success can be achieved.

    How to write a strength training program

    In order for the exercises not to become an exorbitant burden on the body, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for their implementation.

    1. Classes should be carried out daily, without interruptions, preferably at the same time.
    2. It should be remembered that the first results of strength training will become noticeable not earlier than in a month.

    The main requirements for the implementation of the complex by women are a number of conditions:

    • It is necessary to begin classes with a thorough warm-up of the muscles in order to avoid injury.
    • Training should continue for at least sixty minutes.
    • Before each subsequent movement, you need to take a break for about half a minute. If the exercises were heavy, you should allocate at least two minutes to rest.
    • They are required to be performed as fast as possible, but avoiding jerks.
    • Weight should be added gradually as endurance develops.

    The exercise program should include:

    • Movements with dumbbells.
    • Squats.
    • Lunges.
    • Exercises to strengthen your back muscles.
    • Tilts.
    • Bending arms with additional load.
    • Strengthening the abdominals.
    • Movements that develop the muscles of the legs. Particular attention should be paid to the thighs, lower legs and buttocks.
    • Stretching exercises.
    • Kettlebell exercises.

    It is worth remembering that it is desirable to prefer movements that provide a load immediately on the whole muscle group. It is necessary that the hips, chest, legs, arms, back, torso, buttocks be involved at the same time. If there are accumulations of fatty tissue on the body or insufficiently flexible muscles, then it is necessary to build a gymnastic complex in such a way that they are involved in it in any case.

    Movements should be repeated several times, gradually increasing the weight used.

    Once a program has been drawn up, it needs to be constantly adjusted to reflect changing circumstances and the identification of new problem areas.

    Do not allow the musculoskeletal system to get used to the loads. But, in cases where they are excessive, they must be alleviated or even completely abandoned.

    Strength exercises for women

    Most often, women choose a similar type of gymnastic complexes in order to lose extra pounds and strengthen the muscular frame of the body.

    Therefore, it must be borne in mind that there are some contraindications for their implementation.

    • Do not use strength training if you have varicose veins.
    • In the presence of severe myopia, women should avoid lifting weights.
    • After suffering diseases, operations or injuries, it is worth at least six months to refrain from strength exercises and sudden movements.

    Before starting classes, it is necessary to warm up for at least twenty minutes. You need to use all muscle groups in it, starting from the upper half of the body and ending with the feet. Be sure to do a little jog in place or around the room.

    You do not need to spend too much time on the warm-up, it is better to focus on the exercises from the main complex. Its purpose is to prepare the muscular system for a more serious load.

    Do not immediately take the maximum weight. It is desirable to increase it gradually and stop increasing after realizing that it becomes difficult to lift it.

    During the performance of strength exercises, it is necessary to ensure that breathing remains even so that the cells are intensively supplied with oxygen.

    The main types of exercises include the following:

    • You need to take dumbbells and hold them in relaxed hands for a while. The back should remain straight. You should slowly lean forward, keeping your legs straight, briefly fix the body in an inclined position, then also slowly straighten up. Repeat ten times.
    • You need to stand up straight, lower your arms with dumbbells at the seams. Bend one leg at the knee and lift it up. Fix, then perform for the other limb. Repeat twenty times.
    • Take a standing position, in the hands of a dumbbell. Slowly lift them up by bending your elbows. Fix, lower. Run fifteen times.
    • Stand up straight, lunge with your right foot. Dumbbells are in lowered hands. Return to starting position. Then perform for the other leg. Repeat twenty times.
    • Stand up straight. Lower the upper limbs with a load at the seams. Slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight and your pelvis back. As the torso is bent, the hands with the dumbbells should fall over the hips. Then, also slowly, you need to take the starting position of the body. Repeat five times.
    • You should bend at the waist, the pelvic region is retracted, the knees are in a half-bent position. The back remains straight. Elbows are bent ninety degrees. Repeat ten times.
    • It is required to lie on the stomach, legs and arms are relaxed. Limbs must be smoothly lifted, each time fixing them on weight. Run twenty times.
    • Feet need to hold one dumbbell. The legs slowly bend at the knees and remain suspended for a few seconds. Repeat ten times.
    • Lying on the floor, you should put a dumbbell on the sacrum. Slowly raise the pelvis, fixing it at the top point. Run eight times.
    • Same position. The legs are raised up and bent at the knee joint. They are bred to the sides and carefully lift the body up. Hands should try to reach the feet. Stay in this position for a while, then relax. Repeat three times.
    • They take dumbbells in both upper limbs and, fixing them at chest level, slowly squat. Gradually, it is desirable to increase the weight, increase the complexity of the movements, and double the number of repetitions. When returning to the starting position, the arms with the load are pulled forward. Repeat seven times.
    • They take a load in both upper limbs and jump over the bag. Run twenty times.
    • When using a barbell, preference should be given to squats, exercises in the prone position and inclinations. You must also perform bench presses and deadlifts involving maximum number muscles, which will quickly and effectively redistribute the fat layer and increase muscle mass.

    For those who prefer training with a trainer, it is better to prefer the use of simulators. In such a case, you should first of all focus on your own well-being, without exaggerating your strength. First, all the shells must be studied in detail, applied in a trial exercise, and subsequently a program is drawn up using them.

    Nutrition before and after strength training

    In order to lose extra pounds, you also need to develop a balanced diet.

    If you neglect certain wishes for a diet, you may experience:

    • stretch marks;
    • skin folds;
    • wrinkles;
    • sagging;
    • discoloration of outer fabrics;
    • cellulite, etc.

    In addition, if the diet is disturbed, hormonal failure, a change in metabolism, or the appearance of severe muscle pain can occur.

    Food should include a sufficient amount of all substances necessary for the functioning of organs and tissues. Be sure to make sure that there are: chicken, veal, fish, fruits, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, juices, cheese, seafood on the table.

    In food, you should eat more carbohydrates, which are found in bananas, rice, bread. Before strength training, a woman should eat at least fifty calories. They need to add protein for about thirty calories. Fat should be no more than five calories.

    After classes are over, it is also worth having a snack. You should not think that fasting will achieve better results. It is necessary to replenish the spent supply of proteins and carbohydrates for the normal functioning of the body.

    In one meal, at least sixty percent of proteins and no more than forty percent of carbohydrates should be present. This ratio, for example, corresponds to pastries with fruit filling or cottage cheese with jam.

    However, you need to remember that one hour before the start of the exercises and for the same time after them, you should not eat. This desire is associated with the redistribution of fats in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to give the opportunity to carry out metabolic processes and only after that give yourself another portion of nutrients.

    If you follow all the recommendations exactly, you can quickly and reliably find an excellent shape. In addition to increasing visual attractiveness, such a set of trainings significantly enhances immunity, activates metabolism and normalizes many processes in the body. The work of the heart, blood vessels, nervous and skeletal systems is completely stabilized.

    You don't have to wait for immediate results. Only after a sufficiently long period of strength training will a woman notice that her muscles have strengthened, and those extra pounds have disappeared without a trace.

    Strength training for weight loss is necessary, they create a strong muscle frame, speed up metabolism and give the silhouette a seductive outline. To make sense of the exercises, you must follow the basic rules for their implementation and eat right.

    General rules for strength training for women for weight loss

    Girls often avoid dumbbells and barbells for fear of losing their feminine figure. This opinion is completely unfounded. The peculiarity of the female endocrine system is that it is tuned to store fat, not muscle. To achieve male parameters, you need not only to train, but also to take artificial hormones.

    Home strength training for weight loss will not deprive the silhouette of femininity

    In order for strength training to bring the desired result, you need to follow the basic rules:

    • Lesson time should be from 40 minutes to an hour. For starters, basic exercises will suffice.
    • Follow technique. If you are a beginner, work out with a trainer at least once.
    • Breathe properly. Heavy sports are designed to activate muscle growth, and this is impossible without supplying them with oxygen. Remember, tension - exhale, relaxation - inhale.
    • Don't try to lift a lot of weight right away. This is fraught with technical violations and injuries. It is better to take the dumbbells a little lighter and gradually increase the load.
    • Recovery is just as important as training. Take breaks for 1-2 days. This time can be devoted to cardio training or stretching.
    • Shift your diet to lean protein and vegetables. Such a diet will help speed up weight loss.

    Sports should bring not only pleasure, but also a noticeable result. If it is not there, then one or more points are violated.

    Strength training for weight loss at home: basic exercises

    There are many reasons not to go to the gym: this is the lack of time, the overpriced price, and the inconvenience of the location. At home, you can practice with no less effect. You will need a horizontal bar and dumbbells, if you plan to do it seriously, buy a barbell. It would be enough.

    Basic exercises for home:

    1. The bench press is the lifting of a barbell, barbell or dumbbell from the chest.
    2. Deadlift - sit down a little, grab the barbell by the bar, lift it and straighten up at the same time. Hold the bar in lowered, straightened arms. Repeat in reverse order.
    3. Squats, they are performed with weighting.

    In addition to these exercises, include push-ups, pull-ups and abdominal exercises in your home workout. Perform each 8-12 times in 3 sets. Be sure to warm up at the beginning and stretch at the end.
