Mysteries of the Sumerian Civilization. Scientists have solved the mysteries of the Sumerians

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Some firmly believe in the progenitors of mankind - Adam and Eve. Others insist that old Darwin was right: man descended from a monkey, and it is unlikely that he was called by his first name and patronymic. But the archaeologists who conducted excavations on the banks of the Euphrates in 1927 were ready to swear that the first people were called Sumerians.

Four thousand years before the birth of Christ in southern Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates (the territory of modern Iraq), a people appeared who called themselves the Sumerians, or "black-headed". Where did they come from, or at least what race they belonged to? Their appearance, language, culture were completely alien to the tribes that lived in those days in Mesopotamia. Moreover, the Sumerian language is not related to any of the languages ​​that have survived to this day!
However, the writing they invented - cuneiform, in which signs are squeezed out with a stick (stylus) on a tablet of raw clay, quickly spread to all Mesopotamia and became the main writing system of the ancient states of the Middle East. And this is far from the only thing that other peoples could learn from the Sumerians. Think about it: back in the fourth millennium BC, the Blackheads had and effectively operated a bicameral parliamentary system consisting of elected deputies, citizens' committees for self-government, a jury trial, a taxation system, schools, and even the Farmer's Almanac!

Having barely settled in Mesopotamia, the Sumerians rushed right off the bat: they began to dig canals, bring water to the fields, organize an irrigation economy, and establish shipping. Formerly stunted lands blossomed to the envy of their neighbors! But no one dared to go to war with them, on the contrary, the Sumerians moved deep into the Mesopotamian plain, conquering or building cities. Temples were necessarily built in each of them. They were so tall that their flat roofs seemed to rest on the sky. Windows in the Sumerian temples were not cut through, the light penetrated through openings under the roofs and entrances in the form of arches. The walls were decorated with reliefs, which in fact were not decorations at all, but were stories carved on stone about the life of the Sumerians. A kind of textbooks in stone. Even today, in the 21st century, they could be safely reprinted already on paper: volumes on pharmaceuticals and herbal medicine, collections of proverbs and sayings, encyclopedias on chemistry, astronomy and mathematics. The Sumerians used a complex number system based on a combination of the numbers six and ten. In the modern world, such began to be used quite recently, with the advent of computers.

For a long time, scientists admired the knowledge of the ancient Sumerians in the structure of the solar system - they say, they made only two small inaccuracies: they called Pluto a satellite and claimed that a certain planet Nibiru (“Crossing”) rotates between Mark and Jupiter. And what do you think, astronomers have recently admitted that Pluto is not a planet, and between Mars and Jupiter there really once was an orbit of a large planet, from which only fragments remained ...

Where did the people, who lived at a time when most people on Earth only mastered the hoe, get such a deep knowledge of the cosmos?! There is an opinion that the Sumerians are not at all the descendants of Adam or, God forgive me, chimpanzees, but the creation of the hands of aliens. And these are not the inventions of modern ufologists in the style of The X-Files, but the own conviction of the "blackheads". They believed that 445 thousand years ago, the Anunaki flew from that very planet Nibiru (the word is translated as “descended from heaven to Earth”). Their homeland faced an ecological problem: the atmosphere became thinner and thinner, the inhabitants were threatened with death from lack of air, and only a shield of gold particles could save them.

At first, the Anunaki tried to extract precious metal from the waters of the Persian Gulf, then they began to develop a mine in Southeast Africa. About 300,000 years ago, they were so tired from hard work that they rebelled, and their intellectual elite had to come up with a replacement for them. As a result of genetic manipulations, special workers were created - Homo sapiens, intelligent creatures that look like their creators, only shorter. Those who arrived from Nibiru were truly titans, giants, both wise and physically beautiful. Over the years, people and the Anunaki became so close that they even had a common offspring - the Sumerians.

Fantasy, fairy tales of Sumerian grandmothers, collective nonsense? Meanwhile, archaeological research has confirmed that gold mines were indeed actively developed in South Africa during the Stone Age. And the flattering inhabitants of the Zulu pass on the legend from generation to generation that they worked in the mines of creatures made of flesh and blood, artificially created by huge gods who descended from the sky.

One day the Anunnaki flew to Nibiru, never to return. In vain did the Sumerians build high temples with flat roofs, that is, platforms for landing spaceships. Their creators failed to save their native planet with the help of a golden shield, but they gave birth to a new civilization on Earth. To ensure that the knowledge of the Anunaki did not disappear, high-class specialists, priests, selected from the general mass of the Sumerians, should have been selected. To become a priest in Sumer could only be a person with a high intellect and appearance without a single flaw, who vowed not to divulge the secret of the Gods. The first priest among earthlings was Enmeduranki, whose name means "Ruler of ME, who binds Heaven and Earth" ("ME" is translated as "main laws"). The Anunaki gave Enmeduranki a tablet with the secrets of Heaven and Earth, taught them to count by numbers, discovered the knowledge of "water and oil", that is, medicine, and predicted the future.

The main test that awaited the Sumerians ahead was the Flood. Modern people are used to thinking that the story of the Flood is one of the chapters of the Old Testament. Whether or not to believe the Bible is a personal matter for everyone, but it should be noted that the Sumerians told the world about this global catastrophe long before the time when the Jews were in Babylonian captivity, and Noah allegedly built his Ark. “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, or “About Who Has Seen Everything,” says that once there lived among the Sumerians a man named Utnapishtam, who had the honor of saving people and animals from the flood. He built a ship that was in the form of a cube with a rib length of 60 meters, six floors ten meters high each. He filled the compartments inside the ark, of course, with “every creature in pairs.” And although Utnapishtam was a real hero, he did not become the main character of the poem "About the One Who Has Seen Everything." It was not the struggle of man with the water element that worried the wise Sumerians, but his struggle with himself.

One can see in the Epic of Gilgamesh perhaps the oldest literary work in the world, a treasury of the poetry of ancient Sumer. And you can cite his plot as an example of true male friendship. However, meticulous researchers do not stop there. For them, the two heroes of the epic - Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu - are representatives of different branches of human development on Earth. Gilgamesh is the creation of the Anunaki, a resident of the metropolis they created, moreover, a king, and Enkidu is a child of earthly nature. Gilgamesh is an intellectual, a man at the same time selfish, arrogant, spoiled by power, Eikidu is physically strong and simple-minded. Having met, such different people inevitably had to enter into a confrontation, but who won in it? The epic claims that Enkidu. He took Gilgamesh away from urban civilization, into the steppe, into the mountains, so that he would realize the true destiny of man on earth. And then the powerful and beautiful goddess Ishtar entered the arena of narration. She offered Gilgamesh everything he dreamed of - power in the whole world, untold wealth and even immortality. I dreamed, but before meeting Enkidu. Now he did not hesitate to reject the gifts of Ishtar. Moreover, he burst into a diatribe against the goddess - how dare you enslave a freedom-loving horse ?! Why did she turn the gardener into a spider, leaving him nothing but hopeless slave labor?! Was there really nothing more to teach people than to set traps for the king of animals - the lion?! Just yesterday, Gilgamesh was only interested in the fate of wildlife as a source of food, beautiful furs and gold, and today he has turned into a God-fighter rebel! Knowing perfectly well under whose influence the metamorphosis occurred, the gods (and the Sumerians called the gods of the Anunaki) killed Enkidu. But Gilgamesh cannot be stopped, he went to the underworld to restore his friend's life. Alas, the gods shared many things with human beings, but not immortality.

Although the Sumerians were endowed with remarkable intelligence and invented everything that could be invented from the wheel to the state system, they did not twitch on Earth for a long time. From the most ancient and mysterious civilization of the world, only fragments of bricks, ashes from fires and several thousand clay tablets, written in undeciphered cuneiform, remained.

And the solution to cuneiform began. To fully decipher it, larger inscriptions were needed, in which there would be a greater number of personal names for comparison. And such inscriptions were on the Behistun rock (the territory of modern Iran, about 100 km west of Hamadan), which is a record of the victories of King Darius I (reigned 522 - 486 BC). At a height of about 100 meters, over 1000 cuneiform characters were carved on huge stone slabs attached to the rock. The text consists of a large inscription and a number of small inscriptions. The large inscription is divided into three texts with the same content, written respectively by three types of cuneiform writing in three languages: Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian.

Each part of it consisted of more than 500 lines, which also gave room for comparison. It was truly a treasure. We read this inscription, deciphered dozens of cuneiform characters. The work was completed and published in the journal of the Asiatic Society in London.

The publication of the Behistun inscription made it possible not only to finally understand the ancient Persian cuneiform, but also to begin to decipher the Babylonian cuneiform. This cuneiform script was used to write the second text of the Behistun inscription on the same rock. Its deciphering made it possible to guess the pronunciation of words, the meaning of which could be assumed from the parallel Old Persian text of the inscription.

Later, archaeological excavations brought more and more cuneiform texts. In some places, even whole libraries of clay tablets were found. The value of cuneiform writing for science is enormous. Thanks to the decoding of cuneiform, the world of the Ancient East became better known to us, revealed many of its secrets, and made it possible to get to know the history, culture and life of the most ancient civilization more closely.

Any civilization that is thousands of years old has plenty of its mysteries and unresolved mysteries. There are still a great many of them even in ancient civilization, about which scientists, thanks to written sources and large-scale archaeological research, know a lot. What can we say about the Sumerians, who created their highly developed society about five thousand years ago and were ancient and mysterious even in relation to the same ancient Greeks or Romans. However, when it comes to the mysteries of the Sumerians, one must clearly distinguish between scientific mysteries and sensational "mysteries" ...

Have aliens arrived?

First of all, thanks to articles distributed on the Web, the concept of “mystery” became associated with the Sumerian civilization. primarily in the light of the hypothesis of its extraterrestrial origin. That is, no one claims that the Sumerians themselves were aliens. , however, it is suggested that only the carriers of an advanced culture comparable in terms of development to modern human culture could give the Sumerians knowledge and technology. The most commonly used arguments are:

Were there any aliens?

But no matter how fascinating such prospects may seem - a civilization ahead of its time by five thousand years - upon objective consideration of the above "arguments", it turns out that they are of little value and certainly cannot be considered as evidence of the alien origin of the Sumerian civilization. First of all, myths about the divine, supernatural origin of knowledge and culture are characteristic of all peoples and civilizations of the world, such were the features of the mythological thinking of people of antiquity. However, for some reason, not about all ancient cultures, enthusiasts suggest contacts with aliens - it's just that the level of these cultures is too low, even if in their myths this knowledge and skills were also brought by the gods.

As for the advanced social structure of the Sumerians, which is often referred to as "parliamentary democracy", this is simply not true: those features of communal democracy that the Sumerians had were characteristic of many ancient peoples. In addition, if you read the sources, it turns out that they naturally evolved towards more centralized forms. Regarding the alleged super-achievements of the Sumerians in metallurgy, medicine, chemistry, and so on, these are also just allegations that are not supported by historical data. The Sumerians used not a ternary, but a sexagesimal number system, the number "60", which really was of key importance for their arithmetic calculations, is not found in either symmetrical or asymmetric ternary number systems. Finally, the planet Nibiru is also a fiction - modern research has not revealed the presence of such a celestial body in the solar system, and numerous "predictions" that Nibiru should pass dangerously close to the Earth have already been frustrated several times - simply nothing happened within the specified time frame .

There are enough mysteries and truth

Although all this does not mean that the Sumerians really are not a very mysterious civilization. Of course, the main question for historians is where the Sumerians came from to Mesopotamia and what is their ethnic origin - since the Sumerian language has not yet been able to identify their linguistic family ties. But there are enough mysteries in the archeology of Sumer. The loudest of them is connected, perhaps, with the burial complex on the territory of Ur, one of the Sumerian city-states. So, among archaeologists and history buffs, the tomb of a certain Sumerian very noble woman who lived around the 25th century BC is well known (most likely a queen, but there are versions about the high priestess of a deity).

This tomb is notable for several reasons. First, it differs in its design from other tombs of the same period. Secondly, it is the only one where the remains of a person buried in the central part of the complex, that is, directly the "owner" of the tomb, were preserved. Why this is not typical for other burials is unclear. Thirdly, the woman, whose name, by the way, different experts read in different ways (Shub-ad, Puabi, Nuabi), was accompanied by more than twenty women who, apparently, were poisoned - there are no signs of violent death. Fourthly, the burial is rich in jewelry made of gold and semi-precious stones. There is another interesting point: according to the reconstruction of the appearance carried out by the researchers, the buried woman had such a specific appearance during her lifetime that the discoverers of the tomb did not dare to make this reconstruction public, using the wife of one of the archaeologists as a model wearing jewelry from the grave.

The Sumerian civilization is considered the oldest on Earth. It appeared, presumably, at the end of the 4th millennium, and the most interesting thing is that it appeared out of nowhere. It could be assumed that the Sumerians belonged to another ancient tribe of our planet - the Semitic tribe. But the researchers did not find any connection between the Sumerians and the Semitic tribes who settled Mesopotamia a little later. These civilizations were very different in both language and customs.

Moreover, so far no one has been able to determine the racial identity of the Sumerians. And all the historical events associated with the Sumerians are very surprising and mysterious.

It is with the Sumerian race that humanity acquired writing and skills in metal processing, the invention of the wheel and the potter's wheel. Even the Sumerians possessed knowledge that science has acquired only recently. The Sumerians left behind a huge number of secrets and mysteries that still amaze and cause a desire to conduct new research in an attempt to uncover the secrets of this ancient civilization.

In addition, the deciphering of Sumerian manuscripts, or rather cuneiform writing, shocked researchers. First, the Sumerians used a ternary number system. This system is used in modern computer technologies.

Secondly, the Sumerians knew the principle of the golden section, they used the Fibonacci numbers, they had deep knowledge in the field of chemistry, surgery, mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, herbal medicine. The Sumerians were the first to invent soap making, knew how to make beer, and were engaged in irrigation. It is safe to say that the Sumerian civilization, in terms of level, was very close to modern.

Thirdly, the Sumerians had a very developed state structure: they had democratic governing bodies, jury trials, laws protecting the rights of citizens, etc. Keep in mind that these were times when there was no mention of Ancient Greece or Rome.

The Sumerians were not alien to the science of beauty. Proverbs, parables, poems and even adventure stories were placed on many clay tablets.

Archaeological finds have shown that it was the Sumerians who were the first to mold and burn bricks. From them, they learned to build beautiful temples and amazing, in beauty, palaces.

Mines were also found where the Sumerians mined gold on an industrial scale. The only question that arises is: why did people need so much gold in the Stone Age? The answer can be obtained from Sumerian mythology.

According to Sumerian records, twelve planets revolved around the Sun. In addition to those known to us today, there was a planet between Jupiter and Mars called Nibiru ("crossing planet"). Its orbit had an elongated ellipsoidal trajectory, as a result of which this planet appears in the solar system only once every 3600 years. By the way, the passage of Nibiru near the Earth will take place presumably in the period from 2100 to 2158. In addition, astronomers recently shocked everyone with an unexpected discovery - fragments of an unknown celestial body were discovered that have an orbit similar to the planet Nibiru.

From the records of the Sumerians, it became known that more than 4 billion years ago there was a grandiose catastrophe that completely changed the appearance of the solar system, distorted the tilt of the axes of many planets. Maybe that's why the Anunnaki needed to restore the planet after this universal catastrophe.

The Sumerians claimed that it was from Nabiru that the Anunaki descended to Earth. Even in the Bible there is a mention of them - there they were called "niphilim" (that is, "descended from heaven"). The life span of the Anunaki was 360,000 Earth years. They were real giants: the growth of women is about 4 meters, and men 5 meters. The typical Anunaki is broad-faced and black-haired. They really liked to portray themselves with protruding ears, as this symbolized the presence of wisdom.

Researchers of the Sumerian civilization believe that the Anunaki created earthlings in order for them to mine gold for them. At first, the Anunaki tried unsuccessfully to extract gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf, but then they began to extract the precious metal in the mines. One version of the explanation for the need for gold mining on such a huge scale was the assumption that gold dust was required by the planet Nabiru to protect the atmosphere. Note that similar technologies are used today in space projects. Gold was transported from Earth to Nabiru once every 3600 years - when this planet came as close to Earth as possible.

Sumerian legends say that the Anunaki independently mined gold on Earth for 150 thousand years. But a fierce internal conflict broke out between the alien colonizers, and this could interfere with the plans to save the planet Nabiru. Then, as the decoding of ancient Sumerian records on clay tablets says, the Anunaki decided to create helpers for themselves - people. From the same source it is known that the Anunnaki had amazing knowledge in the field of genetics, which allowed them to create a person by artificial means. Here are just some of the information found from the detailed instructions for creating a reasonable person: it is necessary to carry out work in sterile conditions, a female monkey egg was required, then it was fertilized and some kind of “essence” was added to it (perhaps, DNA was meant), obtained from the blood of anunaki, then: “the fertilized and modified egg should be entrusted to a “much knowledgeable, young Anunaki”, who will “bring the egg to the desired state.” According to legend, the aliens did not immediately manage to create a person - many freaks were born. But, finally, the Anunnaki managed to achieve the birth of a full-fledged person, but this path was considered too long to get a large number of workers. And then the Anunnaki set about cloning a human. After several generations, people "became beautiful" and the aliens began to marry earthly women. Healthy offspring were born from these marriages. Thus, as the Sumerian legends say, Homo sapiens (reasonable man) was created on Earth more than 300 thousand years ago. Therefore, having recognized the reality of this, one must agree with the argument that modern civilization is a civilization of biorobots.

But having given earthlings their ability to self-development and appearance, the Anunaki did not give a person longevity.

And as for growth ... It is known that the ruler in ancient Egypt, Akhenaten, was 4.5 m tall, and Nefertiti was 3.5 m tall. Nowadays, in Egypt, archaeologists discovered a coffin with the bones of a seven-year-old child, whose height was 2.5 meters (Now this coffin with the remains is exhibited in one of the Cairo museums).

It should be noted that the Sumerian civilization is not the only one on our planet, but it can be recognized as the most mysterious. Presumably, the Sumerian civilization for a long time assimilated with the inhabitants of the Earth, but the time has come, and the "gods" left our planet...

Despite the fact that, thanks to researchers, we have learned a lot about the Sumerians, humanity still cannot say with certainty how this highly developed civilization arose. So we are waiting for new discoveries and discoveries.

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The Sumerian civilization is considered the oldest on Earth. It appeared, presumably, at the end of the 4th millennium, and the most interesting thing is that it appeared out of nowhere. It could be assumed that the Sumerians belonged to another ancient tribe of our planet - the Semitic tribe. But the researchers did not find any connection between the Sumerians and the Semitic tribes who settled Mesopotamia a little later. These civilizations were very different in both language and customs.

Moreover, so far no one has been able to determine the racial identity of the Sumerians. And all the historical events associated with the Sumerians are very surprising and mysterious.

It is with the Sumerian race that humanity acquired writing and skills in metal processing, the invention of the wheel and the potter's wheel. Even the Sumerians possessed knowledge that science has acquired only recently. The Sumerians left behind a huge number of secrets and mysteries that still amaze and cause a desire to conduct new research in an attempt to uncover the secrets of this ancient civilization.

In addition, the deciphering of Sumerian manuscripts, or rather cuneiform writing, shocked researchers. First, the Sumerians used a ternary number system. This system is used in modern computer technologies.

Secondly, the Sumerians knew the principle of the golden section, they used the Fibonacci numbers, they had deep knowledge in the field of chemistry, surgery, mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, herbal medicine. The Sumerians were the first to invent soap making, knew how to make beer, and were engaged in irrigation. It is safe to say that the Sumerian civilization, in terms of level, was very close to modern.

Thirdly, the Sumerians had a very developed state structure: they had democratic governing bodies, jury trials, laws protecting the rights of citizens, etc. Keep in mind that these were times when there was no mention of Ancient Greece or Rome.

The Sumerians were not alien to the science of beauty. Proverbs, parables, poems and even adventure stories were placed on many clay tablets.

Archaeological finds have shown that it was the Sumerians who were the first to mold and burn bricks. From them, they learned to build beautiful temples and amazing, in beauty, palaces.

Mines were also found where the Sumerians mined gold on an industrial scale. The only question that arises is: why did people need so much gold in the Stone Age? The answer can be obtained from Sumerian mythology.

According to Sumerian records, twelve planets revolved around the Sun. In addition to those known to us today, there was a planet between Jupiter and Mars called Nibiru ("crossing planet"). Its orbit had an elongated ellipsoidal trajectory, as a result of which this planet appears in the solar system only once every 3600 years. By the way, the passage of Nibiru near the Earth will take place presumably in the period from 2100 to 2158. In addition, astronomers recently shocked everyone with an unexpected discovery - fragments of an unknown celestial body were discovered that have an orbit similar to the planet Nibiru.

From the records of the Sumerians, it became known that more than 4 billion years ago there was a grandiose catastrophe that completely changed the appearance of the solar system, distorted the tilt of the axes of many planets. Maybe that's why the Anunnaki needed to restore the planet after this universal catastrophe.

The Sumerians claimed that it was from Nabiru that the Anunaki descended to Earth. Even in the Bible there is a mention of them - there they were called "nifilim" (that is, "descended from heaven"). The life span of the Anunaki was 360,000 Earth years. They were real giants: the growth of women is about 4 meters, and men 5 meters. The typical Anunaki is broad-faced and black-haired. They really liked to portray themselves with protruding ears, as this symbolized the presence of wisdom.

Researchers of the Sumerian civilization believe that the Anunaki created earthlings in order for them to mine gold for them. At first, the Anunaki tried unsuccessfully to extract gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf, but then they began to extract the precious metal in the mines. One version of the explanation for the need for gold mining on such a huge scale was the assumption that gold dust was required by the planet Nabiru to protect the atmosphere. Note that similar technologies are used today in space projects. Gold was transported from Earth to Nabiru once every 3600 years - when this planet came as close to Earth as possible.

Sumerian legends say that the Anunaki independently mined gold on Earth for 150 thousand years. But a fierce internal conflict broke out between the alien colonizers, and this could interfere with the plans to save the planet Nabiru. Then, as the decoding of ancient Sumerian records on clay tablets says, the Anunaki decided to create helpers for themselves - people. From the same source it is known that the Anunnaki had amazing knowledge in the field of genetics, which allowed them to create a person by artificial means. Here are just some of the information found from the detailed instructions for creating a reasonable person: it is necessary to carry out work in sterile conditions, a female monkey egg was required, then it was fertilized and some kind of “essence” was added to it (perhaps, DNA was meant), obtained from the blood of anunaki, then: “the fertilized and modified egg should be entrusted to a “much knowledgeable, young Anunaki”, who will “bring the egg to the desired state.” According to legend, the aliens did not manage to create a person right away - many freaks were born. But, finally, the Anunnaki managed to achieve the birth of a full-fledged person, but this path was considered too long to get a large number of workers. And then the Anunnaki set about cloning a human. After several generations, people "became beautiful" and the aliens began to marry earthly women. Healthy offspring were born from these marriages. Thus, as the Sumerian legends say, Homo sapiens (reasonable man) was created on Earth more than 300 thousand years ago. Therefore, recognizing the reality of this, one must agree with the argument that modern civilization is a civilization of biorobots.

But having given earthlings their ability to self-development and appearance, the Anunaki did not give a person longevity.

And as for growth ... It is known that the ruler in ancient Egypt, Akhenaten, was 4.5 m tall, and Nefertiti was 3.5 m tall. Nowadays, in Egypt, archaeologists discovered a coffin with the bones of a seven-year-old child, whose height was 2.5 meters (Now this coffin with the remains is exhibited in one of the Cairo museums).

It should be noted that the Sumerian civilization is not the only one on our planet, but it can be recognized as the most mysterious. Presumably, the Sumerian civilization for a long time assimilated with the inhabitants of the Earth, but the time has come, and the "gods" left our planet...

Despite the fact that, thanks to researchers, we have learned a lot about the Sumerians, humanity still cannot say with certainty how this highly developed civilization arose. So we are waiting for new discoveries and discoveries.

More than 6 thousand years ago, in the region of Mesopotamia, out of nowhere, a unique civilization of the Sumerians appeared, which had all the signs of a highly developed one. Suffice it to mention that the Sumerians used the ternary counting system and knew the Fibonacci numbers. The Sumerian texts contain information about the origin, development and structure of the solar system.

In their depiction of the solar system, located in the Middle East section of the State Museum in Berlin, the Sun is at the center of the system, surrounded by all the planets known today. However, there are differences in this image of the solar system, the main of which is that the Sumerians place an unknown large planet between Mars and Jupiter - the 12th planet in the Sumerian system! The Sumerians called this mysterious planet Nibiru, which means "crossing planet". The orbit of this planet is a highly elongated ellipse, crossing the solar system every 3600 years.

The next passage of the Niber through the solar system is expected between 2100 and 2158. According to the Sumerians, the planet Niberu was inhabited by conscious beings - the Anunaki. Their life span was 360,000 Earth years. They were real giants: women from 3 to 3.7 meters tall, and men from 4 to 5 meters.

It is worth noting here that, for example, the ancient ruler of Egypt, Akhenaten, was 4.5 meters tall, and the legendary beauty Nefertiti was about 3.5 meters tall. Already in our time, two unusual coffins were discovered in Akhenaten's city of Tel el-Amarna. In one of them, an image of the Flower of Life was engraved right above the head of the mummy. And in the second coffin were found the bones of a seven-year-old boy, whose height was about 2.5 meters. Now this coffin with the remains is exhibited in the Cairo Museum. In Sumerian cosmogony, the main event is called the “celestial battle”, a catastrophe that occurred 4 billion years ago and changed the appearance of the solar system. Modern astronomy confirms the data on this catastrophe!

A sensational discovery by astronomers in recent years has been the discovery of a set of fragments of some celestial body with a common orbit corresponding to the orbit of the unknown planet Nibiru.

Sumerian manuscripts contain information that can be interpreted as information about the origin of intelligent life on Earth. According to these data, the genus Homo sapiens was created artificially as a result of the use of genetic engineering about 300 thousand years ago. Thus, perhaps humanity is a civilization of biorobots. I’ll make a reservation right away that there are some temporary inconsistencies in the article. This is due to the fact that many dates are set only with a certain degree of accuracy.

Six millennia ago... Civilizations ahead of their time, or the mystery of the climatic optimum.

The deciphering of Sumerian manuscripts shocked the researchers. Here is a brief and incomplete list of the achievements of this unique civilization that existed at the dawn of the development of Egyptian civilization, long before the Roman Empire, and even more so Ancient Greece. We are talking about the time about 6 thousand years ago.

After deciphering the Sumerian tables, it became clear that the Sumerian civilization had a number of modern knowledge in the field of chemistry, herbal medicine, cosmogony, astronomy, modern mathematics (for example, it used the golden ratio, the ternary calculus system, used after the Sumerians only when creating modern computers, used Fibonacci numbers! ), possessed knowledge in genetic engineering (this interpretation of the texts was given by a number of scientists in the order of the version of the decoding of manuscripts), had a modern state structure - a jury trial and elected bodies of people's (in modern terminology) deputies, and so on ...

Where could such knowledge come from at that time? Let's try to figure it out, but let's draw some facts about that era - 6 thousand years ago. This time is significant in that the average temperature on the planet then was several degrees higher than at present. The effect is called the temperature optimum.

The approach of the binary system of Sirius (Sirius-A and Sirius-B) to the solar system belongs to the same period. At the same time, for several centuries of the 4th millennium BC, two moons were visible in the sky instead of one moon - the second celestial body, then comparable in size to the moon, was the approaching Sirius, an explosion in the system of which occurred again in the same period - 6 thousand years ago!

At the same time, absolutely regardless of the development of the Sumerian civilization in Central Africa, there was a Dogon tribe leading a rather isolated lifestyle from other tribes and nationalities, however, as it became known in our time, the Dogon knew the details of not only the structure of the Sirius star system, but also owned other information from the field of cosmogony.

Those are the parallels. But if the Dogon legends contain people from Sirius, whom this African tribe perceived as gods who descended from heaven and flew to Earth due to a disaster on one of the inhabited planets of the Sirius system associated with an explosion on the star Sirius, then, according to the Sumerian According to texts, the Sumerian civilization was associated with immigrants from the dead 12th planet of the solar system, the planet Nibiru.

According to Sumerian cosmogony, the planet Nibiru, not without reason called "crossing", has a very elongated and inclined elliptical orbit and passes between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600 years. For many years, the information of the Sumerians about the dead 12th planet of the solar system was classified as a legend.

However, one of the most amazing discoveries of the last two years has been the discovery of a collection of fragments of a previously unknown celestial body moving along a common orit in a way that only fragments of a once single celestial body can do. The orbit of this collection crosses the solar system once every 3600 years precisely between Mars and Jupiter and exactly corresponds to the data from the Sumerian manuscripts. How could the ancient civilization of the Earth have such information 6 thousand years ago?

The planet Nibiru plays a special role in the formation of the mysterious civilization of the Sumerians. So, the Sumerians claim to have had contact with the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru! It was from this planet that, according to the Sumerian texts, the Anunaki came to Earth, "descending from heaven to Earth."

The Bible also supports this assertion. In the sixth chapter of Genesis there is a mention of them, where they are called niphilim, "descended from heaven." The Anunaki, according to Sumerian and other sources (where they had the name "nifilim"), often mistaken for "gods", "took earthly women as wives."

Here we are dealing with evidence of the possible assimilation of settlers from Nibiru. By the way, according to these legends, which are quite numerous in different cultures, humanoids not only belonged to the protein form of life, but were also so compatible with earthlings that they could have a common offspring. Biblical sources also testify to such assimilation. We add that in most religions, the gods converged with earthly women. Doesn't the above testify to the reality of paleocontacts, that is, contacts with representatives of other inhabited celestial bodies that occurred from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago.

How incredible is the existence of beings close to human nature outside the Earth? Among the supporters of the plurality of intelligent life in the Universe there were many great scientists, among whom it is enough to mention Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky and Chizhevsky.

However, the Sumerians report much more than the biblical books. According to Sumerian manuscripts, the Anunaki first arrived on Earth about 445 thousand years ago, that is, long before the emergence of the Sumerian civilization.
